Chapter 64: It's Just The Family Business

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Veronica grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the ears of your parents.
"It wasn't me it was Archie." Veronica whispered.
"You think I didn't figure that out?" You asked.
"Come on we have to go see him." Veronica said.
"We?" You asked yet again.
"Yep you're coming with me because I need some support." Veronica stated and grabbed your arm yet again pulling you outside.
You two rushed to his house to find him doing pull ups.
"I'm going to kill you! You're leaking private information?!" Veronica yelled.
"About our family Archie. Information our Dad trusted you with." You added.
Look if this is about Pops." Archie began.
"Of course it is and lucky for you I fell on the sword and saved you from his apocalyptic wrath!" Veronica yelled.
"You didn't have to do that." Archie said trying to be calm.
"She did." You interjected.
"If my Dad ever found out you snitched do you know what he would do to you?" Veronica asked.
"I'm not going to apologize to either of you for trying to protect my Dad." Archie stated.
"From our parents?" Veronica asked.
"Your father is untouchable he would never be hurt. The question begs what happened to your loyalty?" You asked.
"We brought you into this because you said you would be fine with it." Veronica said hurt.
"You wanted my eyes wide open before I came into your family. You insisted on it in fact and if my Dad is going to run for mayor for your parents he deserves the whole truth and so do I!" Archie yelled.
"What whole truth? You sound an awful lot like Jughead." You stated.
"His big secret plan for the Southside. You were almost going to tell me but I stopped you. Well now I want to know for myself and for my Dad." Archie said.
"That's." Veronica began.
"Something you're going to have to talk to our Dad about. But the way your mouth is running I wouldn't even trust you with the most basic secret." You said with a slight glare.
"Hey Veronica and F/N." Fred said.
"Hi Mr Andrews." You and Veronica said.
"I have an announcement you three are looking at the next candidate for Mayor of Riverdale." Fred said.
"I guess you better talk to my Dad fast." Veronica whispered.

You decided to walk for a bit and you went to Pops. You saw Jughead whispering to FP.
"Whisper whisper what are you chatting about?" You asked.
"Oh F/N what would you like?" FP asked.
"Just a (favorite milkshake)." You smiled.
"On it." He said.
"What do you want?" Jughead asked.
"Relax I'm here to see Sweetpea." You said.
"You're like a vampire princess and you're sucking him dry or using hypnosis to make him blind to your family. A family of bloodsuckers." Jughead insulted.
"Vampires don't exist Jug." You laughed.
"Well here you go." FP said.
"Thank you FP." You smiled.
"Come over to White Wyrm Sweetpea and Jughead look sad when you aren't there." FP said.
"Dad." Jughead said embarrassed.
"Of course." You said and walked over to Sweetpea.
You rested on his shoulder but you kept on thinking about Jug and what he was planning to do about your family.
"Maybe after this is over and our big plan is finished maybe then Jughead and I will be able to be together but for right now that's too much damage." You thought. You placed a hand over your heart. "Gah what am I thinking I have a good man I'm laying on right now. Yet one side of my heart beats for Jug and the other doesn't." You thought.
Sweetpea placed a kiss on your forehead that made you smile. "How cute."
"Not cuter than you." He flirted.

It was a new day you were still tired from being out late but you saw your Mom, and Veronica on the couch and Dad walked in.
"What's wrong?" Your Dad asked.
"We just got a call from our good friend at the prison apparently Jughead and FP Jones paid a visit to a loose lip crony." Your Mom began.
"We think they know everything." Veronica said.
"Which means it's just a matter of time before he writes a newspaper." You said scared.
"Thats what FP and Jughead were talking about at the Choc Lit Shoppe." You said.
"Get Fred and Archie over here now!" Your Dad yelled.

"Jughead Jones may be about to break a story. A story about my plans for Riverdale rather than hear from him I would rather you hear from me." Your Dad said.
"Your serious Southside High is going to be turned into." Fred began.
"A private for profit prison." Your Dad said.
"Built on the bones of a high school what have we been building?" Fred asked.
"Like what was said housing for people who will work at the prison." You interjected.
"You expect me to support this as mayor?" Fred asked.
"We were hoping you would be open to it." Your Dad said.
"Can't do it I'm out." Fred said.
"Fred." Your Mom began.
"We have been in business for how long!? The only reason you're telling me now is because it's about to become public!" Fred yelled.
"I agree it's not ideal but." Your Dad began.
"Not ideal you're about to turn the town I love my home my son's home into a prison." Fred said and got up and started walking.
"Please Fred let me tell you how and why it's the right move." Your Dad said.
"You can save that for whoever you find to run as mayor because we are leaving now. Come on Archie." Fred said.
"Dad I'm going to stay." Archie said.
"Excuse me?" Fred said in a confused tone.
"I want to stay I want to hear what Mr Lodge has to say." Archie said.
"Then I will see you at home." Fred said.
"Mr Andrews." You began and stood up.
"You said that this is yours and your son's home is that correct? Well with what's been going on with the Blackhood. Isn't it right that we have a prison to put him in that's well surveillance to make sure he doesn't escape?" You asked.
"Spitting image of you Hiram." Fred said in disbelief.
"I'm only looking out for everyone." You said.
Fred left and you looked at your mom.
"Mom you have to run for mayor." You said.
"We already have a plan." Your Mom smiled.

You were going to announce the mayor and Veronica was standing next to you.
"Thank you all for coming. Ladies and gentlemen I give you your next mayor of Riverdale our mother Hermione Lodge." You said.
"Thank you F/N." Your Mom smiled.
Your mom was giving a speech and you looked over and saw Jughead standing there. He locked eyes with you and his eyes were filled with a mixture of emotions but as if you could read his thoughts he said "this isn't over just yet vampire princess." You looked and saw Sweetpea smiling and reassuring you everything would be fine.
You clapped as your mom finished her speech and she gave you and Veronica a hug. While everyone except Jughead clapped.

Hi guys I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Sorry for the late upload I'm going to try to upload more often but with school it's hard to find time. As well I was also watching a different show that who knows maybe after this book I'll write a book for. Which leads me to after this book what other series should I write about?

Diamond Girl and Beanie Boy Jughead Jones x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora