Chapter 24: Choices

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The old man smiled. "Well done. You are . . .Elizabeth Hart, am I right?"

I nodded, "Yeah."


"Sir, where am I?" I found myself asking again.

"You are, in the in-between." He said. "You are not living, yet you are not fully ready to go." Well then, thanks for clearing that up. Sarcasm intended.

"You say the dead can't come here. And I don't mean to be rude, but then why are you here? Are you not ready to leave as well? I mean, it has been more than 20 years since you've died, sir."

"In this world, time is something that is no longer at our side. You are also correct, if I may say. It has been more over 20 years since I've part the living world. But then again for my presence here, I could still simply be waiting. But then again, maybe I have made it here for a visit to a special being, but then once again...I found just be a figment of your imagination." He says. "Come, walk with me." I raise an eyebrow, but followed him anyway. I'm already dead, so I've got nothing to lose. "Dear, do you remember anything from what happened before you died?"

I pondered for a moment, having my last memories return to me in an instant. What mostly stung was the fact that they were all goodbyes. There weren't fun memories for me to recall. They were sad ones that made me tear up.

I never even got to say goodbye to my dad and gran. But I suppose it was for the best, since I didn't want my last memory to be of them crying their hearts out.

The saddest goodbye was from Al, whom I've cared for the longest time. But then again, I remembered myself smiling at the fact he had confessed that he loved me. That was something I could live in death to remember.

I was even gonna say it back as well, but life beat me to the punch and took me away.

And that kiss? Was it weird that I could still remember the touch of his lips? I guess not, seeing as it was the most memorable memories that I've got.

And so now, Al was never gonna know. Never. Unless i'm miraculously have been brought back to life! Which I know I would have a pretty slim chance at.

"Yeah." I quivered a bit. "I remember everything."

We continued on to walk forward in silence, but it soon ended as he spoke back up. "You see, life is a repeating cycle. We are born, we live, and then everything comes to an end when we die. Most people cannot accept death, for many people fear it or they simply cannot handle the fact that they have too much to live for. We are given time, you see. I was to."

"You got to live past 100 years of life, sir. I only got 16." I pointed out.

"Ah, right. Right. So it was unjust."

"Well of course it was! I mean, I haven't even graduated yet! Nor did I even get my apparition license. Let alone even complete puberty! Everything just came to a halt when I found out when I had to die." I shook my head in disappointment. "But I knew it was gonna happen one day. It was inevitable. I just wish I could've left a bit later than around my teenage years."

He nodded, understanding."Yes. It's tragic to leave one's life at such a young age." He tutted.

Minutes passed and I asked, "Sir, what is this place exactly. I mean, sure, as you said, this was the in-between? But what is this? A train station? It sort of looks like King's Cross Station."

"King's Cross Station?" He asked in somewhat of an amused tone. "I've heard of that once before."

"Before, sir?"

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