personal angel

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This little work is dedicated to a wonderful sister and a sweet friend of mine.

You are the best.

DEDICATED TO Swtsandrica123

ANGEL ,a glorious name only heard

never known it subsist among us,

thought it to be an ethereal being

wishing to be in close to its existence

until you dashed into my life

with full of goodness and life

you came to my life with

full of hope, joy and happiness

which i thought to be a gone thing in my life.

you kindled my life with a new ray of hope

with all your kindness and friendliness

never ever thought to be lucky enough

to have an angelic friend like you

people around you are really lucky

to relish your kind precious and gracious

you are unique and one of your kind

you are the most wonderful and precious gift

i never knew the true meaning of sister

you made me realize what a sister is

how a sister should be

with your angelic thoughts and words

you brought a shining aura in my life

which i thought i would never experience in my life

you are the sister i always yearned for

you are the angel i always prayed for

you are the goodness i always expected for

you are the kindness i always asked for

you are the light i always searched for

even if we are apart we can feel each others

happiness and grief and a slight change in our composure

you always soothe me with your kind words and happy thoughts

i am sure you will always remain an angel to anyone who come across your life

because you are a true angel without wings and halo

your goodness is your wings and your purity is your halo

it is visible to only ones who could see through your goodness and purity

the ones who are close to you and your heart are really lucky

because you keep them in your heart which is filled

with so much of love,kindness and purity

words are not good enough or precious enough

to describe how good and precious

a friend, a sister and an angel you are

always remain like this never change yourself for anything in this world

because all this goodness and kindness and purity

is your true identity, which makes what you are

is your true ornament which make you more beautiful

is your true beauty which makes you heavenly and celestial.

your goodness, kindness and purity

made me believe that there are angels still

living among us with their serenity

enduring all harshness and coldness and betrayal

dumped against them because of ignorance

you are a true angel in disguise

which god chose to spread happiness and kindness

to ones who are badly in need of them

like a butterfly that leaves its

colour, glittering to where ever it goes and sits

you too leave a lasting imprint in others heart

with all your precious nature and loveliness

though others give you their harshness and coldness in return

you never forgets to give them your beautiful loving and comforting smile

it is this celestial nature of yours that makes you a true angel

you spread love, happiness and goodness to everyone

without expecting anything in return

you are the one that makes the word

ANGEL real and life like

maybe your life is filled with thorns and stones

but you make others life a path filled with rose petals

all the time enduring the pain all by yourself

you are unique

all goodness will be rewarded to you

in the form of a happy and wonderful life

you always dreamt of

you will always remain in my heart

even if i never saw you in person

there is something that bonds us together

never let that bond break

even we stop talking to each other

always keep me in your thoughts

as your loving little sister

you have left a deep imprint in my life

like my parents you have become an

inseparable part of my life

even is we are paths apart

we will sense each others happiness

and celebrate each others joy

and lament each others grief

god be with you my sweet angel sister,

in every path of your life

always remember there is a sister

praying for you and your wellbeing

will be always there for you with my

prayers support and infinite love

because you are my very PERSONAL ANGEL.

you filled my life with your mesmerizing presence


fill your goodness and loveliness where ever you go

there may be someone who will need

your goodness, loveliness and happiness

A/n Hello!!! My super sweet readers. I am not a poet. Just thought to write this just for fun. If you find it funny please ignore it

I am trying my best to improve my writing skills here. Please be good enough to encourage a budding writer.

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