Fae's eyes instantly softened as Huey hold the senseless girl's hand. "He loves me...Huey loves me..." she uttered, waiting for all this to be a dream. 

"Why, of course he loves you. The question is...do you love him?" Emily asked her eldest daughter. Fae looked away once tears started manifesting from her eyes. "It's hard to love someone, knowing they'll probably be out of your life. I don't want the same thing happening just like with you, Mom," she admitted.

Emily paused for a moment before she wrapped her arms around Fae. "Faith, I would never be out of your life. No matter what, I'll always be apart of your life. The same with Huey. Trust me, that boy isn't going anywhere." "But if Huey's not leaving...what are the chances that I will?" Fae inquired.

Emily took a deep breath before explaining, "Listen, Faith. You were supposed to be dead. I thought this was the time for you to leave this world. However, God has a different plan." 

Fae looked at Emily while she continued. "Though you were injured very badly, you have a heart of gold for saving your friends and He don't know if He should take that pure loyalty away just yet...so He decided to give you a choice," she informed.

Fae raised an eyebrow at the statement. "A choice?" "You must decide whether you want to continue living on your life or finally end it." Fae paused at the sudden decision she had to make. "I have a choice to live or to die," she repeated, "If I die...I can be with you again, Mom?" Emily smiled. "Yes, you will. We'll be together again," she agreed, "However, before you start thinking about that option...is it really what you want?"

Fae turned away from her mother and look towards Huey's distraught face. 

"You're right, Fae. We would be together...but if you die, you're going to have to give up the people that you love. You won't be with your friends again, you won't continue to spend time with your father, you won't get to see both of your grandmothers again, you won't take care of your sister anymore...and you wouldn't get the chance to tell Huey how you feel."

The teenage girl tried to fight back tears as Emily touched her shoulders. "I know this is a hard decision for you to make, but I know you will make a right choice throughout the end. No matter what you decide, you will still have everyone continue to love you," she encouraged, "So what do you want to do, Faith? Do you want to finally stop this life and come with me up there...or do you want to continue to survive this life no matter what obstacles you face?"

Fae looked at her mother for a while, then turned towards the older Freeman; weighing her options.

Will Faith Walker go up there with her mother or stay here with Huey?


Days have passed and this night, the Freemans were throwing a party outside of their home. However, the question of it all was:

What were they specifically throwing a party for?

Arturo Walker was being dragged from his ear by his mother, Isabella Perez, who continued to scold at him in their foreign language. They were walking near a car that was parked in front of the Freemans' residence with Vincent Walker and Tony Jackson trailed behind them along with Gabriella Walker and...

...Faith Walker.

"Ow! Mama, I told you before, I didn't know you were going to be involved in any of this. I said I was sorry," Arturo reasoned. Isabella scowled at him as she responded, "Va a sentir, bien. ¡Una vez que estamos de vuelta en México, todas estas 'transacciones' son terminadas y hechas con para usted, Arturo! (You're going to be sorry, all right. Once we're back in Mexico, all this 'dealing' is over and done with for you, Arturo!)"

Fae and Gabby 2: Return of The WalkersWhere stories live. Discover now