No existance

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I lost alot of people I call friends.That were not really worth the love.Frienship is and unuseful concept that is hard to make.I do not really have friends because I dont know if they are real.I tell the truth on paper and sometimes lies out of my mouth.My people try to lie to me to make me feel better but they dont know they are hurting my feeling more.They dont understand what I want to do or what I am mad about or what is trash to me.It is not always necessary to do things that wont make you feel any better but just hurt you or that person more.People post feelings that are not only true to them but to people alot like me.I have a person who posts her feeling but my feeling are the exact same but she can not see them for no aparent reason I tell her how I fee all the time but she never seems to hear me from such a short distance.People really dont give a freaking 2 sence about me.its like im the disconnected call from other people where they dont understand where I am coming from.It makes me teribly mad and sad that I have to deal with all this true people crap.I have so many problems just because of friendship.I hate life because it is just the hardest test ever that I keep failing.The test is super hard and I can never find the answers to the question and there is no way to cheat.Dealing with the word friend is tough

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