Chapter 1: Not too Lonely

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After I had gotten on my nicest robes, which, of course, weren't that nice, and brushed my hair until my head hurt, Mother made me dust the house, clean the windows until they shined, and fold all the clothes which, weren't that much. Not after Father at least. Mother made us do chores the muggle way because Godric's Hollow is a three-fourths muggle and she wouldn't dare get us caught and carried off to some muggle asylum. Of course, if we were we could get out in a split second but, mother wouldn't even dare risk exposing the Ministry which, would expose all of us witches and wizards alike and Hogwarts as well. Mother was very careful. Finally, after about three whole hours of cleaning, there was a knock on the door. "I've got it, Mum!'' Aberforth screamed. We looked almost exactly alike even though I'm older than him." No, don't you dare!'' Mother hollered from the back of the house. She ran across the house and with the simple spell "Stupefy!" and a flick of her wand, Abe fell to the floor, frozen. "Albus, get the door now, please," Mother said while performing the countercurse for the spell she had just performed and then helped Abe up and dusted him off. " Of course mother" I opened the door and there stood our neighbor Bathilda Bagshot, and a very energetic looking man standing next to her. He had blonde shoulder length and just about the widest grin I had ever seen.

" Hello, you must be our new neighbors, I'm Albus Dumbledore.''

" I'm Gellert Grindelwald." he replied.

"Albus," Mother stepped in, " I was hoping you could show Mr. Grindelwald around Godric's Hollow.''

"Of course I will, no problem"

Mother smiled. So did Gellert, but with more of a childlike grin. I would get any excuse I could use to escape from mothers' horrendous chores, so this was a perfect opportunity. That night I went to bed thinking about would I would show Gellert first.

The next day I woke up with a strange feeling of happiness. In fact, I had never felt this happy in my entire life. I got dressed and had a few bites of an apple and left to meet Gellert outside of his house. I walked down a few blocks and started waiting. The house was an old cottage that looked tidy but unkempt at the same time. "Magic is too complicated," I muttered under my breath. Finally, after what felt like an hour of waiting, Gellert came waltzing out of his front door with that weird grin on his face "So what shall we see first'' he said

"I've got a fantastic idea! Let's see the forest and the graveyard.

"Sure! That seems ummmUmmm, lovely!" He gave me a weak smile.

"So," I asked, walking down the gravel pathway. "Where are your parents?". He frowned a little

"I'd rather not talk about them, the sore subject really. So, I never saw your dad where is he?".

"Azkaban.'' He looked worried "Crimes against muggles. He didn't mean to do it, it's just... It's just..." A chill went down my spine. I got a sudden flashback.

" It's just what?"

" Nothing, nothing at all". "Ok, we're here," I said, seeing all the graves. His face lit up a little.

"Surprisingly, it's actually quite lovely''

"Glad you think so," I said plopping myself down on a bench.

" I wonder if one of the three brothers is here?" he said

"You're a fan of the Deathly Hallows too?'' I exclaimed. I had been curious about them ever since my parents first read The "Tales Of Beedle The Bard" to me. "But since you are curious," I said, "They are!" "Their graves will take a long time to find"

He frowned.

"But we will find them" I reassured him.

That same childish grin spread across his face."I found them!" screamed GellertsGellert's voice from about thirty feet away. I ran over to him as fast as I could. We both grinned. It had taken a long time to find them but there they were! There in the ground on three dusty graves were the names Antioch Peverell, Cadmus Peverell, and Ignotus Peverell. "Thank you, Albus,for taking me here'' he gave me a hug. I felt a sudden warmth all through my body.

"You're welcome Gellert, and thank you for being my only friend" We both laughed. And he pulled me into a tight hug that I was not quite prepared for. That night I went to bed knowing I was not too lonely... Not too lonely.. because of Gelert. 

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