getting caught in the spider's web - 15

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But nonetheless, you took the glass and drank every drop of the water. It was replenishing and it cured the dryness you'd been feeling in your throat.

"Why would he do that? And how do you-"

"I know a lot. Did you really think I wouldn't find you?" Chrollo cut you off, watching you closely.

"You certainly didn't have to kidnap me." You mumble, rubbing your sore wrists. Chrollo chuckled and nodded.

"I see. Well, for the time being, you owe me." Chrollo took a seat in a wooden chair, ushering for you to come sit across from him.  Doing as he'd suggested, you took a seat at the old wooden table, sitting down in an even more uncomfortable wooden chair. The floor somehow felt better.

"I don't owe you anything. You decided you wanted me to help you, and in the end, you never gave me anything, and I never gave you anything. We never had a mutual deal." You spoke. You knew exactly what he was going to counter with, but you were ready.

"Maichi helped you with your wounds. I think her services shouldn't go unnoticed."

"I didn't ask for Maichi's help, you took it upon yourself to do that thinking you'd get some sort of leverage over me. You made that choice on your own." You looked away, trying to think of some way to escape.

"You don't get out of here until you make a sufficient sacrifice. You owe me whether it was on your on conscious terms or not." Chrollo sinister smile didn't sit well. There was a strange pit in your stomach. You had a bad feeling about whatever he was about to ask.

"I'm sure Pakunoda is already gone. Along with Uvogin. Seeing as how I can't communicate with them, I need you to fill in for me." Chrollo's hands move quickly as your own hands are secured out in front of you, bound in handcuffs, no clue where they had even come from.


"You will join the troupe as your sacrifice. We won't be able to communicate after that so you should be thanking me." Chrollo awaited his thanks but it never came.

"Go to hell." You yanked your wrists up with force, using nen to break from the metal bindings.

Chrollo was two steps ahead of you, rushing to knock you out again. There was a struggle this time, with you refusing to be taken down. With one strong blow to the back of your head, you fell forward, stumbling as your vision became blurry.


Awaking in the same place, much colder and feeling a lot worse, you shot up. A stinging pain on your side caused you to scurry to your feet, staggering from the quickness of how fast you'd gotten up.

Examining your left side, a spider tattoo with the number 9 in the center adorned your figure. Stumbling back, you felt your world cave in around you. He'd done this while you were unconscious, or hired someone else to do it. But now you were marked with a spider tattoo and there was no easy way of getting it off.

There was no turning back now. You wished to be back in your bed right now, asleep and safe, but the world had other plans.

A loud banging on the door scared you as a familiar voice spoke up.

Phinks? And-

" a waste...of-"

The eyes of the remaining Phantom Troupe members landed on you as you felt even smaller than before. Your world had caved in tenfold.

You stepped back, ready to bolt out of the place you were in, but it was no use. Phinks' brows were furrowed as he stared at you, and Feitan was silent, his expression blank as he looked at you.

arachnophobia || feitan portorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora