"Your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare at people?" You remarked, not looking at the stoic man. He 'tsked' . "What are you doing here? didn't Erwin kick you out?"

"Nope! He gave me a job, thank you very much." You spread the sauce over the flattened dough. Levi was starting to lose his patience. "Oh, no need to worry, honey, yours is the only one that's gonna have poison." You giggled, of course humouring yourself. His frown turned more.. Frownier?

You noticed how the poor dear seemed mad by your claim. Out of the ordinary for him, obviously. (That's sarcasm, if you couldn't tell in my writing). You sighed while sprinkling on your toppings.

"I wouldn't actually kill ya. It's a want, but would cost me my job."

Instead of taking a sigh of relief, he instead planted firm hands on the table. "Don't call me that." His voice softly said, in a cold way.

"What?" You responded, popping it in the oven.

"Don't call me Levi. You are to call me captain or sir, that is all," he announced, walking towards the door. "While your at that, make me some tea. It better be good or 50 laps around the castle. Got that, trash-mouth?" You nodded your head with a pouted look.

"Trash-mouth..." You repeated it by yourself, kinda liking it.

While your pizza was cooking in the oven, your attention focused on a simple dress given to you by Erwin. It was nay blue, with white trimming. Really beautiful, but a little rough. As your sewing needle glided crossed the fabric, a sudden sound came from door to the kitchen.

"Who's there?". The door swung open; a woman stood there with a awkward expression and a bouquet of flowers. It was like time stopped. You simply looked at each other awkwardly before she broke the silence.

"Um- Hi! I heard there was a new cadet and I wanted to say hi," she chuckled, sitting down. You grinned.

"Thank you, that's very sweet...?" "Hanji. I brought flowers as a little piece offering, since Levi said you were.. A.. Ummmm..."

"A bitch?" You replied, monotone. The word had no effect on you, really. "Yeah! Honestly, shorties the real bitch."

You glanced at the flowers, only to gasp in amazement. "Oh wow, blood roses! How'd you know they were my favourites?" You asked, searching around for a vase.

"I didn't. Before you came, Eren was picking weeds and found a large rose bush. I picked some and decided to give them to you." She said.

What a kind woman. Your smile beamed brightly, like when the sun hits dew after a restless storm. The roses were the deepest shade of red you could think of. Soft petals, like a cloud. And extra sharp thorns. People always did question why you called them blood roses instead of just plain roses, but the look of it could explain itself. Beautiful and dangerous- just like the world.

The scientist smiled, getting caught up in her own thoughts, though. Hanji didn't want to admit it, but the fact of you being dangerous didn't seem. She wanted to say you were no good and have reason to lock you up... But she doesn't.

Last night- while you were sleeping- Eren and Hanji sneaked into your hospital room. It was dark, but there was no question about smoke admitted from your wound. Eren noticed it whilst you and him shopped. Crazy Hanji decided to go check it out and Eren agreed. She pondered herself that night, questioning the idea of you being another Titan shifter. The smoke and quick recovery had been clear enough, so there was evidence to go against you. But if you were a Titan shifter like Jaeger.. Why didn't you?

𝙖 𝙬𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙚, 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 - Fem!reader x AoTWhere stories live. Discover now