Gray Fullbuster-Fairy Tail

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Me: Sooooo... what do you guys feel like doing?

Rico: Don't know, maybe we can go watch a movie or--

Nana: Nng, shaddap, I'm stalking Dan and Phil on twitter (so relatable though).


Rico: ~Tell me something I don't know~

Me: You're a meanie Rico-chan...*pouts*

Rico:*sticks out tongue*

Nana: WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY! *swings around katana like a boss*

Me and Rico: *hides in fear* GOMEN'NASAI!

Me: *lightbulb appears over my head* I got it!

Nana and Rico: What?

Me: *evil grin* Prank calls (dun dun duuuuuun).

~~~~~~~~Time skip because I'm cool~~~~~~~~

Rico: So who are we going to call?

Me: Oh, I know, Levi!

Nana: NOO, NOT MY LEVI-SAMA, CHOOSE SOMEONE ELSE! *points katana at my throat*

Me: Geez, calm down, we'll just call... AH. *snaps*

Rico: Who's 'AH'?

Me: *sweatdrops* Baka, we'll call shirtless!

Nana: Who's shirtless?

Me: You guys would probably refer to him as "Gray Fullbuster".

Rico: That Fairy Tail guy with ice magic?

Me: Yeah!

Rico: Cool but, how are we supposed to get his number?

Me: I have my recourses...

Rico: Okaaaaaay...😟

Me: Let's get started! *dials*

Gray: Gray Fullbuster speaking.

Me: Hello shirtle-uh, I mean Gray.

Gray: Who are you?

Me: I'm Joe Jonas, I come from mysterious land called Sweden, I'm calling you because you have won a price, CONGRATULATIONS!

Gray: Cool, what's the price?

Me: You've won a free lesson in Swedish, you are aloud to get excited!

Gray: Why would I wanna learn Swedish?

Me: Hey, I'm asking the questions here, lil' boy.

Gray: I-I'm gonna hang up now...

Me: Hey, no, wait--

Gray: *hangs up*

Me: H-Han la på, den där lilla jäveln!

Rico: That wasn't very funny Ken...

Me: Håll tyst, ingen gillar dig...du är inte min bror längre.(Bror=Swedish slang, means Bro, also means brother, IT'S COMPLICATED)

Rico: That hurts Ken-chan. *walks into a corner and sobs*

Nana: You're talking in Swedish...

Me: Oh, sowwy...

Sorry for a weird first chapter, I didn't know how to start it off, oh well. Also, please leave requests on an anime character you want me to prank call. With that said...bye...

Anime Prank Calls (Warning: lot of otakuness)Where stories live. Discover now