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So you may have questions as to what on earth is book is...

It's basically me having nothing better to do with my time. 😆

So I constantly have like 3 million songs stuck in my head, ask anyone who knows me, and they won't hesitate to tell you that my constant singing is ANNOYING. 🤭

That's the reason I decided to put it in order of days.

Each day, I have so many songs in my head, and I can't put all of them or you guys won't read the book. So these are just the songs that are stuck in my head for an hour or more.

If the same song is stuck in my head, i will mention it and leave a link, but i won't bother with lyrics. 😁

I will also only put up to the chorus in lyrics, and maybe a few lines after if they wrap up the song, but nothong more than that. 😄

I will try to update everyday 🤞

This book is mainly to educate you about some different types of music out there. You don't have to listen if you don't want to, but by all means go ahead if you do.

Comment what you think of the songs, and let me know if you want translations. I'll do my best to get them to you. 😁

Also, if you know the songs, don't be afraid to tell me! I LOVE IT when people listen to the same songs as me, because I don't really listen to English music so 🤷🏻‍♀️

Well I've spoken enough, let's get on with it!

- Siri ♥️

Songs ♥️😁Where stories live. Discover now