Shuuya pt.2

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After being settled in the new apartment the siblings were transferred to a new school.


Everyone was chitchatting among themselves. A girl named Aki-San came up to (y/n)-San, "have you heard about the new transfer" Aki asked.
(Y/n)-San looked annoyed at her "yeah I already's all the hole school is talking about." She layed her head on the desk. Aki smiled excitedly "that's because we never get and transfers here.

"Everyone back in your seats!" The teacher came in ready for the day.
"Today we have a new student." After she finished talking the new boy walked in.

'Hot' (y/n)-San thought.

"My names gouenji Shuuya." After that the teacher assigned his seat in the back by the window by Aki and two seats behind (y/n).

During the class period he got a ton of glances.

When the lunch bell rang he was immediately swarmed by most of the class and their questions. Gouenji tried to walk away but couldn't find a way out; feeling very uncomfortable. Then out of know where he was being pulled by somebody. He was about to protest but heard them say they have a hiding place. When he was out of the crowd he was a girl pulling him.

"Hay over here!" They both heard a student yell out. They were hiding in a closed space just in case, and it was so closed that there body's were touching. Gouenji was slightly blushing looked up.
Once the crowd left (y/n)-San noticed the Coast was clear and they moved out.

"Sorry I pulled you out of nowhere but you looked like you needed help" (y/n) said "it's fine and thank." They both were staring into each other's eyes. Then (y/n) noticed and broke the stare. "Oh my names (y/n)-San Nice to meet you Gouenji-San." She smiled. He nodded with a small smile.
She told him they should eat before the bell rings; and he agreed.

They both sit in awkward silence. (Y/n)-San started "so....the math homework she assigned today was hard?" She asked then took a bit of her food.
"It's not hard, I understand it." He shrugged.

' Wow hot, and smart!' She thought.

"Really!? Do you think you could help me?"
He looked at her then at his food "I guess I can."
She thanking him.

!The Bell Rings!

And so the rest of the school unruled; then the last bell rang.

Shuuya went to the soccer club to be on the team. He nocked on the door and a boy with brown hair and eyes opened it.

"My names Gouenji Shuuya and would like to play soccer." He said
The brown haired boy cheered out and told him he could. "Names Endou mamoru."

•At the soccer field•

Aki and (y/n) were walking to the soccer files after filling the drinks up, when they were close enough to see someone use their hissatsu they noticed it was the new boy.
'Hot, smart, and amazing at soccer! Is there anything this guy can't do' (Y/n)-San thought.

"We're back!" Aki yelled out. Gouenji spotted (y/n)-San and went to grab water from her. "Wow Gouenji-San your amazing; to be honest at first glance you don't look like the type to play any sports." She gave a half smile; she felt guilty by judging him from his appearance.
He took a gulp and told her he loved soccer ever since he was little.

She smiled "yeah me to, the school dosent have a girls soccer club so I became a manager for the boys" she said.
"Why not make one?," he asked. She told home that the school didn't have enough funds for another soccer club.

"Gouenji-San water Break is over!" Endo I shouted out making Gouenji run back out to the filed.
Both girls siting on the bench watching the boys "so when did you and the new Gouenji-San get close?" She chuckled. (Y/n)-San slightly blushed looking away "w-well at lunch." She replied.
Aki smiled "oh-" she was cut off "I see potential." Natsumi said walking towards them to sit down.
(Y/n)-San asked for what? She grinned watching endou and said "love."
(Y/n)-San blushed starting at her and told her she doesn't see it.

When practice was over they all started to leave one after another. "I'm leaving now-" both Gouenji and (y/n)-San said at the same time. They stare at each other for a sec. "guess we'll walk together?" She asked; He nodded.

When they were out of sight from the soccer members (y/n)-San phones buzzed showing a message from Natsumi:

(Y/n)-San grumbled and slightly blushing.

After a while (y/n)-San stopped pointing down a different street saying she has to go this way. They both said their byes.

When Gouenji arrived home he was greeted by his little sister yuuka she told him she made lots of friends; Gouenji smiled at her. He then went into his room after a nice shower. He layed on his bed when his dad came in "how was your first day?"
Gouenji just said it was fine signaling his father that he can leave.

When Gouenji was trying to go to sleep his mind was running thinking about today in the closed space with (y/n)-San. He just about felt of all her front side-. He blushed and immediately stoped thinking about it "I can't think about (y/n)-San that way," he said to home self then soon fell asleep.

I hope you have enjoyed 😋

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