Two Months Later

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Diana POV

Paparazzi have been on my lately cause me and Michael have been hanging out A lot it's been two months since then but I'm so used to it ...

Michael POV

It's been two months since the divorce but I moved on me and Diana have been spending a lot of time together paparazzi have been on her lately but she's used to it

Diana got in her car and drove off she knew the paparazzi would do that once her and Michael started hanging out

But Michael has feelings for her over the past two months

Diana pulled up to her job she had a photoshoot today and the guy she told her got fired for sexual assault towards the women and they filed a lawsuit against him as well ...Since then he's been hiding

She got started on the photoshoot and it was easy she loved her job and loves what she do

Michael family came over to how he was doing he was doing fine but had Diana on his mind the whole time

Janet knew that Michael was thinking about Diana he wasn't paying attention to anyone around him but heard what they were saying though

Diana POV

I love coming on top of the mountains such a wonderful view of the city I was out for my run and decided to take in the view it was very beautiful well back to my run I go

Diana continued her run down the mountain until she makes it home

Diana Home

Diana POV

I made it home well I had a good run that's when it was a knock on the door

Michael POV

I'm coming to see Diana I knew she made it back home

Diana: oh hey Michael what's up

Michael: Came to see you

Diana: Ahh that's sweet of you well come

Michael and Diana have been spending a lot time together and it has been fun

Michael feelings began to grow even more around Diana and it was undeniable to avoid it in front of her

Diana can tell if a man likes her or not just by the body language or that look In their eyes

Diana thought that it was cute that he likes her he was to shy to even come out and say it of course

Diana got close to him and he got even more nervous

Diana: it's ok

Michael: Ok

Diana was going to mess with Michael she ended up kissing him

Michael got excited it was something about her kiss that made him excited

She was only messing with him but it was really
Cute his face turned red

Diana: well I'll se you later

Michael kissed her again and Diana that it would happen ...She sat on top of him and he grew even more excited

They ended up in the bedroom and had sex ...Michael than became obsessed

Next Morning

Diana POV

I woke up and it was 11:30 in the morning I turned over to see Michael asleep ahh he's so cute I kissed his forehead and went to 🚿 he's going to be knocked out for two days never fails

Michael POV

Me and Diana had sex last night I can't believe it felt so different I felt her leave ahh I was comfortable

Diana knew that Michael will be sleep for two days cause after they had sex she put him to sleep and he's usually the one to put women to sleep

Two days later

Michael POV

I woke up and it was 10:30 how long have I been asleep felt like forever that's when I see Diana walking in ahh she's so beautiful

Diana POV

I came to wake Michael up cause it's been two days but he's already up

Michael: how long have I been asleep

Diana: for two days

He was in a lot of shock when she said that he couldn't believe it

Diana: but it's time to get up now

Michael: ok

He got up and stretched then he went to go 🚿

He started the 🚿 and began washing up he couldn't believe he's been asleep for two days straight after having sex with Diana

Diana was doing yoga in her home she was very flexible

The mail was running today so she went to go check it and came back in the house

Michael finished his 🚿 and got dressed of course he brought extra clothes to wear

Diana was drinking some tea to start her day off right

Michael came up behind her and hugged her from behind

Diana: See your up

Michael: yes ...That's a first that ever happened to me ...I'm usually the one to do that

Diana: I know but it's natural happened once

Michael: ok

Diana: well later

Michael: where you going

Diana paused for a minute and then she spoke

Diana: I have to go uh handle something

Michael eyebrow went up he was already reading her mind on where she was going

Diana was out the door and got in her car on her way to the location

Diana didn't want to go ...As the ride there she was being followed by a stranger and she took a short cut

Diana: yep I'm not going not taking chances

Diana turned around and went back home Michael knew that she was coming back

Diana: I made it back home

Michael: I see you changed  your mind

Diana: yes I did ...Well what do you want to do

Michael: introduce you to my family

Diana: ok

They were out of the door and on their way to his family home to introduce her to the family....Diana always ha manners when it came down to meeting someone family

Janet and her got along just fine and it was full of laughter they enjoyed each other company

A week later

Diana POV

Michael family has been wanting me around since I met them

Michael POV

My family has been wanting Diana around for a while now and it has been wonderful

Diana wanted Michael to spend the night and he did They got ready for bed

Next chapter is coming

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