Episode 1 New Rookie in Town pt2

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 Halt's first glimpse of the new recruit only served to bring memories niggling back at him that he didn't want. The Rookie was so young-too young, he thought. What were they doing now-accepting preschoolers? 

He was not very tall; the dark brown hair that was combed carefully still threatened to curl in places, and his soft brown eyes looked so innocent. They hadn't seen what the world outside was like yet.

 When he "sirred" Halt at the beginning of every sentence, the man gripped the steering wheel and sighed. He only had to do this three more days, he reflected bitterly. Then, Crowley or no, he'd be gone.

  Their route took them to the suburbs and down along the tracks today. As they were halted at a stop light, a car wobbled out of a side street and into the road way.

 "Well, here we go," Halt muttered under his breath. Flipping the light bar on, they followed the swerving driver a block and half before the sedan lurched to a stop. Halt radio'd in they're stop and then looked across at Will. "Remember your training and stay toward the tail of the car. It may look like a simple drunk driver, but you never know-especially this side of town."

 Will nodded his head, looking like a bloodhound that was eager to take off on the trail. "Yes, sir."

 Halt sighed but exited without saying anything. As they left the patrol car, he stepped up to the window. A bleary faced man looked up at him. "Wa's wrong, offi-cer? Did I run th' red light?"

 "No sir, but I think you've been drinking more than your morning coffee. Kindly step out of the car." Halt watched as the man heaved himself out, and then took him through the sobriety test. When the officer had given him his chances he then led him to the car and helped the drunk into the backseat. Will had followed on his heels, a slight disapointed look on his face. Catching sight of it, Halt raised an eyebrow.

 "What. Expecting something more?"

The young man's face flushed slightly, as he shook his head. "I guess I was."

"Believe me," Halt replied tersely, "This is just the beginning."

 He wasn't far from wrong; the beat that Halt usually patrolled got more than its share of the unsavory. The suburbs were their traffic tickets, their child-missing reports. But the other side of town..his knuckles whitened as he gripped the wheel extra tight, muttering under his breath.


He had forgotten the Rookie sitting in the seat next to him. All ears and eyes. But he would need that, to survive here. And he would need to know what to watch for.

 "Let me tell you, Junior," he said. His voice came out low and terse. "There's a lot more goes on here than you ever wanna see. But you'll see it. You know we have mafia here in Chicago-one of the toughest rings. And there's a man who leads a group second to none. You'll watch out for Morgarath and his men, like your life depends on it, because it does."

 "Who is Morgarath?" Will's face looked puzzled, as he asked the question.

"Mafia boss in this section of town. He's so skilled at what he does, he's never been pinned for the crimes but, they're his and we know it. Each crook has a signature style."  How could he fully explain the mayhem that rode rampant in this town? Chicago, city of sky scrapers and progress. But still riddled with the same power hungry men that watched the city for the slightest weakness. How could one describe the crime they were up against, so that a new cadet, fresh from the text book, could understand. Only experience could.

They rode in silence for awhile, before Halt added, "He hates the color blue, so when you patrol this beat, you watch your back and your partners. Got it?"

 The curly head shook in response and for a moment, Halt let a small smile pull the corner of his mouth up. "How about we take a code 7 for a coffee after dropping Mr. Boozie off? The fumes alone are starting to make me sick."

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