us in gotham👀 (part 1/???)

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Marga(toxic) was walking home from the store trying to not get kidnapped or raped
Why you might ask
Because she's in gotham the most dangerous city i think idk

"Why the fuck did dad build he mansion so far away from the cafè!?"
They asked the ghost that may or may not be there while taking another sip of her black coffee.

A few minuites later she had arrived at the Cal mansion(Cal is marga's last name here)

The Cals are one of the most rich and powerful families right behind the waynes

"Hello mistress Marga." Their butler steven said as Marga entered the huge mansion

"Hey steven have you seen mother and father?" Marga asked steven

"I'm afraid that haven't seen them since they went out to go the movies a few hours before you went to go to the cafè"

"Oh ok thanks steven"

"Anytime mistress"

Marga went downstairs to the basement that her dad had allowed them to make into a gaming room

Marga p.o.v.

I sat there on my black gaming chair looking at one of the photos i had managed to take of Red robin

In the photo he was sitting on top of a building outside the mansion's huge gates
He was facing up looking at the night sky
His hair blowing a little because if the wind
=(Lets pretend he had a costume that didn't cover his beautiful hair)=

My friend itzel(nettlez) calls me a simp and that all i talk about is charlie and the chocolate factory and red robin-

I put the photo away and set up my stream

I open up minecraft and start my stream

"ELLO EVERYONE welcome to another gen z smp stream
But no arson,murder or mugging"

"Today we are just going to go around getting supplies for the purge event that is going to be happening next month"

"I have decided to set traps around my base and healing water stuff, but i will be doing that off stream so noone knows where exactly they are"

I was collecting some blaze rods when i got this donation

NickyClickAway donated $10
"Whats it like living in gotham?"

Thanyou for the $10 donation i can finally go to where rich people get coffee
And to answer your question
its pertty decent living here
There are ups and downs to living here in gotham
Some of the downs are getting catcalled every other time i go out
All the crime and shit happening
This one night i couldn't sleep because i keep hearing footsteps walking kinda around where my little platform thing that leads me outside that has a door ya guys get what i'm reffering to right-
But the footsteps might just be my great grandfather haunting me because i didn't eat for a whole week after he died

The ups are.....
Theres this dude that saves people with his sons
I believe the robins are his sons because they seem very close to him

And i heard the new robin calling batman father so-

QuinnItToWinIt: join vc with me and falling

Ok guys parental figure wants me to join a vc with them and simp

I joined the vc to immediately be greated by

"Hello my child"

"Hello simp"

Hello guys why did ya'll want me to join?

"Oh nothing me and Quinnie just missed ya so much"

"And we have a question"

Ok you guys can ask away

"Do you have a crush on one of 'batman's sons'?"

N-no i don't

"bish you stuttered so you do!"

"I bet its red robin" Quinn calmly stated

Ok guys i will be ending the stream now we will be raiding Quinn

*insert parenral figure and simp wheezing/cackling in the background*


I left the call and ended my steam

To be continued......

(Written by toxic)

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