Erik slowly stands, "I'm so sorry. I am so very sorry. There is no excuse for what I did, I understand that, but please don't take this out on Edmund, he needs you, we all do." He whispers to me.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Who created that USB? Did you see what was on it?" I ask him, bitterly.

He shakes his head, profusely, "No, I never saw what was on it, it was locked, it couldn't be opened until a specific time frame, it was an individual hack, a ploy directed for you. I just...I was the one who planted it because...because I was being threatened for what I did in my past, whoever it was threatened to bring not just that out, but everything, everything that had to do with the group. You were so rude to Edmund when you first got here, I thought...I thought you were a spoilt princess who got everything she's ever wanted, I thought it was just a prank, alright? But, when Edmund found you scared in the hallway, I knew what it was, and that it wasn't a prank, something happened and I did everything I could to find out who, I couldn't even come close." Word vomit, literally. I don't bother looking at him, thinking his words over, I just couldn't when I saw pictures of him kissing Principal Jewel, from a year ago.

The file falls from my hands, dropping on the page, my eyes widen at what I see, he grunts in pain, "It was a long time ago and it was the biggest regret of my life, Melanie."

I close my eyes, massaging the back of my neck with one hand as bile threatens to rise up my throat, Lorraine holds my arm, "Melanie. Just breathe." She whispers, dropping her head on my shoulder as Edmund abruptly stands and in concern, he tries to get closer, but Marvin wouldn't allow that for even a second, he shoves him and holds him steady, Edmund, in his anger, rips Marvin aside.

I scream when his arms wrap around me, "Lemon, please. Just listen to me, please just don't say anything for a second. I-I know that this looks horrible, I-it's unthinkable, I know that. Please, don't make any big decisions right now, just try to calm down. Please, I beg of you, lemon." He says into my ear.

I squeezed my eyes shut and thought of the boy, silver eyes that were obscured by black marks, clear evidence of Oswald's abuse and what may have happened at that institute that was giving me nightmares now, nothing would ever end.

I keep my eyes closed, I was so tired and I just didn't want him doing this now, we could talk, but not right now, "You will let go of me, now." I whisper. He shakes his head profusely, holding my head in his chest and hugging me like he'd never let go, no matter what I did.

The sound of a click resonates and sharp inhales filter the air, Marvin growls, "Leg go of her now, or I will shoot you for physical assault." He says, lowly. The threat was clear, but he was holding a tranquilliser gun, only Edmund didn't know that as his burly arms tighten, he shakes his head, gulping in air, as if he couldn't breathe in this current moment.

"Please, lemon. Don't do this." He pierces the air in a strong hiss, a painful gulp and a sharp groan as he convulses around me, the most emotion I've seen from him. I grab his two forefingers, taking a lungful breath when he was practically strangling me to him. Marvin shoves him a good metre away from me and in Edmund's weakness, he stumbles before drunkenly fixing himself back up. Iris moves to help him, but he snaps away from her, helplessly seeking me out instead.

I lower my hands towards the next file, a dialogue of when Marvin wrote about finding a secret doorway in the library, I read the first sentence and my heart drops in my stomach, 'There were two black-hooded males in the library the night Melanie fell from the isle top. Ten minutes after her identification number checked in, Edmund's identification number was next, it was Talon. Talon was ordered by Edmund to find out who was after Melanie, Talon was there when he identified Claude Borne to enter not a minute after him, and claims he was about to save Melanie when he heard her scream, only it was Forthright who saved her first. They acted in the unknown when Melanie was close to unconsciousness and Professor Forthright was taking her to her room. Talon told Edmund, which is why they were in the hallway at the exact moment Forthright brought Melanie back out of the infirmary. Iris lied for Talon, claiming he left the lake party for a booty call, Edmund made him follow through with the lie, after he himself claimed to be falling in love with Melanie.'

The Little Dove #3 ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя