“It’s the prophecy… something you need to know! You need to come with me… to the library… please! There’s no time to waste!”

“Get out! Let me get dressed at least!” she didn’t need telling twice, in the blink of an eye she was gone and I was up and out of bed getting changed as fast as I could.Once we were both changed, we exchanged a look that reflected the fear we were both feeling. What could have been so soul shaking that it made Aurora barge into my room like that? He brought me into his arms and locked me in a warm embrace. Kissing my forehead once then tilting my head up so that he may peck me on the lips, we stared into each other’s eyes. I smiled gently at him before pulling away and leading him by the hand toward the answers we both seeked.

  All eyes were upon us once we stepped foot into the library. The whole family was gathered around the twins who sat at one of the tables situated in the middle of the room. Once closer I noted that both their eyes were that eerie shade of pale blue that consumed its sockets.

“Ahh, so she arrives” beamed Nina in an echoed version of her voice

“One of two, Two of one… it’s all the same” Nikki chuckled

“Hush sister she’ll know the game”

“What game?” I asked them, my question was returned with more laughter. They rose from their chairs and hand in hand they walked toward me. Dante stepped aside, probably all too familiar with the twins when they were like this, not once did any of my family members rise to stop them or tell them to remain seated, instead they just stood there and watched.

“The game child that is your fate” Nikki sniggered

“You will love and be loved”

“You shall kill or be killed”

“Life is death and death is life. An endless spiral that consumes this world”

“Only one would save us”

“Now there are three”

“Three that are doomed to meet”

“By an event that would be heart wrenching… If I had one” Nikki glanced over to Nina, they smiled at each other before finally coming at a halt before me.

“What has changed?” I ask them

“Everything dear” Nina replied “You have chosen to save Tatiana. By saving her you have made sure that a new enemy shall be born”

“This enemy will become a new breed. One which you were meant to become… yet much stronger and far more deadly”grabbing Nina’s hand her expression grew dark “I did forewarn child that every action has a reaction. That with great power come’s a great responsibility”

“You will become strong. There is no doubt about that child”

“But you either kill him or die”

  I remained fixed to the spot. My eyes never left theirs yet my hands trembled at their sides. I was supposed to kill a guy that I knew nothing about. These twins were fixed upon either a new breed or rebirth of some kind… what the hell gave them the right to decide such things? No fate is written in stone; the only thing that I actually wanted to agree on was that every action we committed caused a reaction of some kind… but why me? Why did my father have to be this ‘key’ that set this all off?

“Do not despair child” Nina reached out and grabbed my hand “You and your twin have defied fate. You have twisted the stone to make it bleed… what you do is of your will now.”

“But there is one clause. You MUST stop this new breed” Nikki scowled

“Yes, he is of no good to this world. Born of pure darkness and deceit he chooses to use his new found gift as evil. We tempted and tested you. We hoped you would choose the easy way and just accept her. She would consume yet… she would be you. Either way you were always meant to be in control. Instead you used the rabbit hole and insisted she be free. Your life was meant to be set out and planned… but the Key was destroyed before an explanation could be made. Much like us he knew his fate.”

“We are the fates” Nikki breathed as she cupped my other hand “We bestow a gift” my hands began to tingle and as I looked down I noticed that both palms glowed the same colour as that of the twins eyes. Once the glowing ceased, they took a step back and my hands were covered in two sets of spiral like tattoos. My left hand was golden and shimmering whereas my right hand was darkened and of navy colour.

“What is this?” I asked them both

“This gives you our power. You shall be able to see truth amidst lies, once lost you shall seek answers that will be spoken” Nina answered

“Also… should you need us… just ask” Nikki smirked.

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