File B: Jackson Tyler Hemmerson

Start from the beginning

Jack shrugged his shoulders before eyeing the sky, smelling the air for moisture. " You know me. The creep that likes getting drenched." 

 Jenny nodded her head every so often, showing him she was paying attention, and smiled again. " But you are my creep, and my creep alone."

 Before Jack could reply with a goodbye, Jenny peked his lips and darted towards the girls dormatory.  Jack rose a brow in curiosity, his mind zipping with questions. Only to have it cut off by a drop of rain-- then another, and another.

It was a nice constant dribbe for a few minutes, then Jack began to gets oaked.

"Shit." He muttered, running back to the door to get back inside, not wanting to get too soaked in the rain. Another slam of the door rose up behind him. Jack started shaking his fingers through his hair, sending water droplets everywhere while wiping off the rain from his face and jacket. As he made his way back up to his dorm room Jack began fishing through his pockets for his keys, whistling a random tune while he traveled up the two flights of stairs. Listening to his tune echo out in all directions. It was kinda creepy, now that he thought about it... Where WAS everyone? It was too quiet for a Friday evening. There was usually people up and about... maybe lots of students staid behind for tutoring. Maybe some went home for a weekend. Maybe people are already in bed, or in their dorms. Being very... very, quiet.

Jack sighed as he began unlocking the door, shoving his keys back in his pocket after the door closed behind him.

"Yo Buddy! You here?" 

Nothing. No response. Just the sound of rain hitting against windows. 

"Huh.. guess he's studying too..." That's a first. Jack made his way over to his bed, slumping down to get ready to sleep. He pulled off his hoody, kicked his shoes off, and rolled over to face the wall, not bothering with the covers. He just wanted some sleep. Closing his eyes, Jack slowly began dozing off. The rain practically lulling him to sleep.


Jack let out a gut wrenching gasp for air, waking in a cold sweat. His eyes darted from one corner to another before rising up from his spot. He panted, feeling his hands tremble from the dream he just had. Jack looked around his room, relieved that his roommate Greg was in his bed. He could tell he was fast asleep from the dreaded snoring that came out of him. He himself was surprised he could sleep through it. Slowly exhaling through his mouth, Jack rose up from his bed, staggering to the mini fridge on the other side of the room. His mind churning questions. 

" You ok dude?" Buddy asked, his signature Adams Family rubber coffee mug in hand.

" Man... What the fuck..." He murmured, running his hand across his forehead to wipe away more sweat.  

" It was that bad?" 

Jack looked at Buddy. " Yeah. Some cult was chanting Charg... some or other, and I was chained to a stone piller...

Jack looked up ar Buddy, his eyes were wide with fear. " They were pouring tar in my eyes while they were dinning on my organs man!" 

Buddy glanded over at the clock. Jack's eyes followed. It was only three am.

" Think you can go back to sleep?" 

" Not after that."

" I'll fix you something to eat, and some hot chocolate lased with some whisky, that usually keeps me up." 

" Thanks." Jack said, slowly gettingout of bed. 

This shit's getting terrifying. 

" Man, that movie sucked." Buddy yawned. " Fuck, it's only 5..." 

Someone softly pecked on our dorm's door. " Guys? Buddy, I'm here."

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