The Lone Cyborg

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"Acquiring target." The man said and the title" The Lone Cyborg" appeared on the screen.

"Lone Cyborg? He is the one we saw at the opening, right?" Kurapika asked.

"Indeed." Josuke said.

"He must be holding a grudge against those mosquitoes and he's been following their swarm for now." Shalnark said.

"But why he'll have a grudge against them? Because they bit him so badly?" Franklin asked.

"Everywhere's empty thanks to that warning! Like someone's gonna die from a mosquito bite. What's losing a little blood if I get all this--? A robber from a shop said after talking to the things he got from the place as a swarm of mosquitoes flew past him and blows his hat away.

"The wind...?" He asked. The mosquitoes suddenly swarmed his legs up to his body and he cried while resisting the swarming mosquitoes. And he ends up all sucked by the mosquitoes who got full already due to them sucking the blood of the robber, and making him skinny dead.

A lady with a half body of a mosquito who appears to be the owner of the mosquitoes moaned after her lowlings delivered blood for her.

"Ugh. Come on, you guys. That wasn't nearly enough. Go get some more for me." The monster said.

"A hot chick like her is the progenitor of the outbreak? Man, she's a worthy one to kill." Uvogin said.

"The thief must be crying right now after what stealing something and not listening to the emergency warning." Erika said.

"Wow! Can that woman suck all of the blood of a Titan?!" Hanji asked in excitement.

"Then she'll become a Titan if that happens. Besides, those monsters regenerate, right?" Ponzu asked.

"They regenerate but they won't regain their blood." Eren said.

"Target acquired." The cyborg from before said and fired his flames into the monster.

"I see. You make them suck the blood then take it all for yourself. You must be controlling the mosquitoes via some sort of signal. That would explain their mysterious behavior. So if I were to get rid of you, the leader, would the swarm disperse, too?" He asked.

"Our next meal is here. Go drain him dry." The monster ordered on her mosquitoes who now overwhelmingly swarms him.

"Incinerate." The cyborg said and erases all of the mosquitoes in one blast. The mosquito monster gasped after seeing her lowlings burned in an instant.

"I am about to eliminate you. Stay where you are." He said while pointing his palm with a blaster on it.

"Wow! He blasted them all in one blow!" Leo said.

"Is he using CAD?" Ichijou asked.

"Probably not. But his firepower must be tremendous." Jorge said.

"He knew that he isn't afraid to get sucked by the monster because he is a cyborg himself. If anything gets sucked from her, it must be his oil." Katsuto said.

"So you think he is a fueled cyborg?" Hanzo asked.

"Those eyes... you can tell he isn't a normal person." Erwin said.

"Yeah. Where will you see someone releasing flames from their hands? They're not normal." Netero said.

"Unless if it's Nen." Zeno said.

"You, eliminate me? Go on and try!" The monster yelled. On the other scene, Saitama closes his palms as he thought he got the mosquito and angry veins around his face can be seen.

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