"Aye, señorito Gabriel, who pissed off your wrong side?"

"Look," Michael said, "you know the law. What is written cannot be altered."

"She needs protection." His voice cracked on the last syllable and he cleared his throat. "One of those familiar spirits got to her today. She could have died, Michael. And how much longer till the Boss calls for judgment? It could have been a millennium before I saw her again and..."

Unable to finish the thought, Gabriel attempted to master his emotions.

"I will petition the council of Elders to get some time off," Michael acquiesced. "Can't promise anything since we are in uproar up here over the Armageddon project."

"I too will seek permission from the church," Rafael said. "I cannot take too much time off, however. The Vatican has spies to watch its spies."

"How is the girl now though?" Michael asked

Gabriel glanced over his shoulder at the laughter floating out of the foyer, his heart brimming with the joy his love was experiencing having been reunited with her foster parents.

"She is okay," he replied. "Safe for now."

"Does she know who she is to you, or even what you are?"

Gabriel ran another restless hand through his tousled curls

"She suspects, Michael, but she will know everything by the end of the day."

Gabriel's heart warmed at the joyful sight of Lucera giggling along with her parents as he re-joined the trio. They had migrated to the comfortable living space and were all lounging on the three-seater. Lucera was sandwiched by a parent on either side, and she had never looked happier, safer. A soft halo seemed to surround the smiling young woman, a look of serenity etched into eyes that sparkled with vivacity and a hint of challenge. Remarkable she was able to find a silver lining despite her dance with death—that was what came to mind when Gabriel thought of the altercation that was still a fresh sore weighing on his conscience. That he had failed to protect the most precious thing in his life apart from his Lord said a lot. He was well over six thousand years old.

He knew the moment she became aware of him, for they were drawn one to another like magnets. The pull to go to her was strong, and Gabriel had to use centuries of training to resist the overpowering urge to claim her as his rightful mate. The bond between them was growing at an exponential rate, ever since he brought her to climax. Soul ties were not a joking matter. He took up residence in his usual spot in the recliner, kicking his legs up on the nearby centre table.

"Mom, Dad, what's happening?"

All trace of elation was wiped clean from Lucera's face, and something inside Gabriel broke at how exhausted and defeated she suddenly looked. Elijah and Ester exchanged a loaded stare, and Lucera's father nodded discreetly for Ester to take point on the impending conversation.

"Lucera, honey, you know how we always told you that you were special," she began, "and it had nothing with your being blind?"

Ester took her daughter's hand in hers and gave her an earnest look. Lucera nodded sagely.

"Well, you are quite special. You were hand-chosen by God out of the billions of souls that ever existed for a mighty assignment." She paused, allowing her words to sink into the young woman's mind before continuing. "And you do recall how we always focused your religious education on bible prophecy as it pertains to the end times?"

"Yes, Mommy."

Ester and her husband exchanged another look, and Gabriel, agitated by his love's anxiety he could feel rolling off her in palpable waves, briskly rose to his feet and began pacing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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