Harsh words from someone who enjoys watching Catfish on regular bases. Even though she insists it's because the host is cute.

"I just don't understand why you can't be a little supporting here, that's all," Trisha blinked, not fully understand what Lilly has just said, "I mean, I totally stood by you when your show started broadcasting in Korea."

Lilly already opened her mouth to shoot back when Kenny (or Kenneth as he likes to be called now) spoke up.

"I'll never understand how you people can talk about books, clothing and reality shows when we are expecting to get letters back from colleges any day now!"

"Well, Kenny, mainly because we still haven't go them and it is kind of pointless to worry about things that still haven't happened," said Lana.

"Still! This will decide our futures!"

"No, I don't think it will make a big change for you - you will still be a nerd no matter where you go," Lana said while finishing her yoghurt.

"I just hope they will grant my application for a single room in the dorm. There's no way I am living with a roomie!" exclaimed Boris.

"Something tells me that even if you do get a roommate, he will be requesting a new room soon," grinned JP and winked at me.

"No way!" repeated Boris.

And he went on and on but I didn't listen. I heard my phone buzzing and I held my breath as I looked at the caller ID. You know, Dad only phones me when there's an emergency and honestly, given Grandmere's love for Sidecar and Gitanes, I wouldn't be surprised if everything simply caught up with her.

But I needn't have worried. When I saw his name written on my hone screen, my face became one giant smile and I didn't care how goofy I looked. I excused myself though I doubt anyone even heard me since they were arguing about potential roommates they might get at college.

I went to the third floor stairwell and answered the phone.

"Hey, beautiful," said Michael.

"Hey," I said with the goofiest smile on my face, because my serotonin levels went through the roof like they do every time I hear his voice. I know, this is not healthy. "Why are you calling? Is everything ok?"

Because, you know, it was like in the middle of the night where he was.

"Everything is fine ... minus the fact that I miss you. I just wanted to hear your voice. And tell you that I love you."

My heart skips a beat every time he says those three words. I will never get tired of hearing them.


"Well, you can do that anytime you want."

"Oh, and just to remind you, don't forget I'm coming home Tuesday."

Right. Like I could forget the date he was FINALLY coming home from Japan for good. I have it circled in my calendar for months now. With dozens of exclamation marks and hearts accompanying it.

"I know Tuesday evening is a school night and everything ..." he went on, "but do you think your Mum will let you go out?"

"Hmmm, Tuesday night?" I repeated and tried to sound worried. Lars who was, as always, listening to my conversation (but I guess he does have a right to do so since he helped Michael and I get back together) chuckled. "I don't think Tuesday night will be good for me. I am already spoken for."

"Oh ... oh, ok," Michael said and I could hear disappointment in his voice.

This was just so cute.

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