Elliot Meets Moving On

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Riley closed her locker and turned to Maya.

"Why do you think he put his hand down?" Riley asked

"Because your dad wouldn't call on him. And I don't think he ever will again," Maya laughed at the end.

"Life used to be so simple, Maya. Wake up, brush my hair, eat cereal, pick up the bowl of cereal that I dropped," Riley frowned.

"When did all of this pressure happen?" Maya asked.

"Boys have it easy, they get to ask," Riley told her.

Lucas, Elliot, and Farkle are sitting on the hallway bench.

"Girls have it easy," Farkle spoke up.

"Yeah, we gotta do all the asking," Lucas agreed.

"All they have to say is no," Farkle added.

"Well, they could say yes," Lucas told him.

"They could do that?" Farkle asked shocked.

"Yeah bud, girls say yes to me all the time," Elliot told him.

"Yeah, but you're Elliot," Farkle emphasized his name.

Elliot chuckled.

By the lockers

"Oh yeah, they wouldn't last a day in our shoes. Waiting for them to get the courage to ask us," Riley scoffed.

"And then doing the vacuuming and ironing the babies," Maya added sarcastically.

Riley nodded.

"Riley, this isn't the 90s anymore. You want something you go get it," Maya told her.

"You're telling me you're not a little bit afraid of this?" Riley asked.

" No," Maya replied.

"You're saying that if you had feelings for somebody that you wouldn't be nervous?" Riley asked.

"No, the only thing that makes me nervous is that the thing that everybody wants to happen never happens because everybody's too afraid to make it happen," Maya said as she pointed between Riley and Lucas.

The boys on the bench

"You know what I was afraid of?" Farkle asked.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"You two," Farkle asked.

"Seriously?" Elliot asked shocked.

"How come?" Lucas asked confused.

"I know we're all friends, but I've always considered you guys a bit of a threat, especially you El. Just like I know you guys have always considered me a bit of a threat," Farkle smiled.

"Ah huh," Elliot nodded with an amused look.

"Yeah, you keep me up at night," Lucas smiled amusingly.

"But now I realize you two are actually the solution to my Riley-Maya dilemma," Farkle told them.

"How do you figure, Farkle?" Lucas asked.

"This should be interesting," Elliot smirked.

"I just never asked one out because I knew it would break the heart of the other. With you two they'll be happy," Farkle told them.

"You really think so?" Elliot asked with a smile on his face.

"Definitely the one you're going after," Farkle told him.

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