Chp.35 Encountering High Priestess Pt.1

Start from the beginning

Mr.Joestar: JoJo!? I'll be there in a sec!

(YN) then exits his office, and yet to rush downstairs as his waitress, Rosas was holding the phone for him...

Rosas: Ah, Master Joestar, it's from your wife.

Mr.Joestar: Thank you Rosas.

(YN) holds onto the phone and starts talking to Josephine...

Mr.Joestar: Honey! I'm glad you happen to reach out for me, say, what have you been?? I can barely hear you.

Josephine: O-Oh right. Sorry bout that, I'm in a hotel, here's the thing. Sorry to say it but I have other difficult things to work on.

Mr.Joestar: Oh man. It must be difficult that you have to be working hard while traveling and leaving Japan. It's been nearly a month hasn't it??

Joseph: Y-Yeah, the way darling...have you spoken with Holly lately?

Suzi Q: Yea I have. In fact I have spoken with her yesterday, she told me she caught herself a cold, she tried convincing me it wasn't serious, but I was thinking about visiting Japan to go see her...

Joseph: No don't! I mean...There's no need to. I'm positive she will recovered herself quickly. Besides, I'm taking care of her, so no need to worry about it.

As Josephine continues her conversation with her husband over the phone, the others started to chat a little...

Polnareff: So this is what he meant about delicate matter?

Avdol: Indeed. Mr.Joestar is full of vitality, so she needs to check in on him and make sure he doesn't make him visit Ms.Holly from Japan, that way he won't know the truth.

(YN): Wait. So you don't mean...

Avdol: Yes. Mr.Joestar hasn't been told anything. There's no need to worry him. So we must keep this secretly from him until it's finish or we will get him worried.

Mr.Joestar: Well, if you insist, but be careful while your still out there doing your work, be safe out there, and love you.

Josephine: I will, and love you as well. Oh and uh...can you pass me to Rosas. I wanna talk to him.

Mr.Joestar: Rosas? What for?

Rosas: Master! I think Suzi Q needs a bit help with some stuff she can't handle!

Mr.Joestar: Oh right! I'll go help her, also Josephine wants to talk to you.

Mr.Joestar hands Rosas the phone as she heads over to her he does, Rosas then was making sure that he isn't no where to be seen as he rushes downstairs to the living room and talks to Josephine on the phone...

Rosas: Hello?! Madam Josephine! It's me Rosas!

Josephine: Where's my husband?

Rosas: He's helping Suzi Q. There's no doubt he will be hearing our conversation.

Josephine: I see. Right. So, I'm actually calling from the submarine the two of us spoke back then.

Rosas: Oh good! Then that means you have reunited with Master Avdol as well?

Josephine: Yes. Now then, tell me about Holly's conditions. Surely you have already received word from the doctors of the speedwagon foundation.

Rosas: Well...actually...when talking to her mother on the phone, she did say she has a cold only, she's quite insistent. But her condition gets worse day by day...Madam Josephine, don't you think it's finally time to tell Master Joestar the truth?

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