Chapter two

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Chapter two

Spencer point of view

I groaned as something bright was flashed in my face. I opened my eyes, only to close them again.

"Dean what the hell?!" He chuckled and turned the flashlight off.

"Were in Red lodge, Sam went to get us a room. He'll be back soon."

Dean still had that "I'm worried about something, but i won't tell anyone" look. "Dean what is going on with you and Sam. Don't tell me there is nothing wrong, because i can see it clearly." He looked at me with so much pain in his eyes, I wanted to hold him and tell him everything would be ok. "S-Sam is...

Well he's uh...." he was cut off by Sam knocking on the window, making us both jump. He smirked at me and turned to look at Dean with a dirty look. "Stop it, Sam. Dean has a right to tell me what's going on, even if you don't want him too. Were in this together." Sam just stared at me. He wasn't talking much now days. When he did talk it was always something short like "yea, ok"  or something to that extent. "Room 7B."

He grumbled, before he grabbed his bag and walked away. I looked over at Dean pleading with my puppy dog eyes to tell me, but he shook his head and got out of the car.

I sighed in exhaustion, as i stared up at the ceiling of the car. "What are you hiding from me, boys?" I mumbled, thinking outloud.

I slowly climbed out amd grabbed my duffel bag and walked upstairs.

I had to keep repeating the room number in my head, so i wouldn't forget. Room 7B. Room 7B. Room 7B.

I finally found it and walked in.

I gasped as i saw Dean hanging over the sink with a nose bleeding and a cut on his cheek. On instinct, I dropped my duffel bag and pulled out my pistol. "It was just Sam. Don't worry about it." Dean groaned.

I felt shocked at what Dean had just said, would Sam really do this to his own brother. "Why didn't you fight back, Dean?" He ignored me and walked over to the bed and laid down. "Drop it, Spencer.... Please."

I sighed but nodded. I was pissed and next time i see Sam i was going to give hin a piece of my mind.

"Dean i'll go get something to eat. And some ice for your jaw and

nose." He nodded and leaned back trying to get some rest, while i walked out the door.

Dean's point of view

I wish i could tell her what's going on, but i can't. I can't tell her Sammy's a vampire and has three vampire buddies and a lycan pack of alpha's wanting me to join. Sam wants to give Spencer and me the choice, of being a lycan or a vampire. She won't do it, i know her better than she knows herself sometimes. She was too god damn stubborn. Right when i was thinking about telling her, Sam and his buddies walk in.

"Hey, Dean where's your little bitch at?" That's all they considered women, sex objects, it made me angry whenever they called Spencer a bitch because she was still a virgin and i loved her. "She went to get food for me and her."

I stared at Sam to see him covered i. Blood. I almost gagged as i saw Sam licking blood off his fingers. He grinned at me and blood coated his teeth too, making my hunter instincts kick in and tell me to cut the blood sucker's head off, but i couldn't bring myself to do it.

He was still my little brother.

"Hey Dean, i'm back. I got you a cheeseburger and cherry pie, your favorite." Spencer said walking inside, not even noticing the vampires and lycans standing in the middle of the room.

Aw hell.
Spencer's point of view

"Hey Dean, i'm back i got you a cheeseburger and cherry pie, your favorite." I turned around only to feel icy cold fear run through my body. Vampires and lycans were in the hotel room standing not fair from Dean. "D-Dean what the hell are these guys doing here?" I stared at them ready to make a move, when i saw Sam. He had blood all over him and he was smirking.

Sam's a vampire!!!

                    To Be Continued....

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