. . . .I N S A N I T Y. . . .

Start from the beginning

She tried to finish up the last of the bullies but she tricked her to going to the bathroom. She ended up tripping in a bath tub. And got hit in the head hard, disorienting her a bit.

The bully took that to an advantage cause when she came back she had a counsil with her (belonged to her brother) and threw it in the tub. Electricuting her to death.

And in the end our little girl died.

Darkness was all she see.

Was this what people call death?

Its more calm than what i imagend. . .

But the next thing she knew, she woke up in a grassy field.

'What't this? Is this Heaven?'

She. . . Or they though.

They cause one. There in a diffrent body. Also looks a bit masculin. Two cause they don't want to be comfirmed as a female  anymore.

They wandered around in the grass untill they saw a very odly formed tree.

'If i remember correctly, tree leaves arent formed as cubes.'

They comfirmed as they look at there left. They saw a chicken. And squarly formed chicken. Until they finally processed where there at.

'Minecraft. . . . Im in minecraft.'

They had a sudden head ache as they though of the fun times they and there brother played the game as they had a funtime slaying zombies and other mobs as they laugh together.

They also had a flash back of them and there brother wished to go to that world soon.

'Brother?' Said the child as they looked at each other. They both are currently at there room with a window as the stars shine upon them. The brother hummed at the child.

'Do you think we will grow up together and go ride dolphins in the future?' The child asked. The brother laugh lightly and he ruffled there hair. 'Of course [Y/N]! Besides! We saved since we were little, if we continue we will be able to go get a job, save agien and ride a dolphin!' there brother said with ethusiasm and hope.

The child smiled with hope and looked at the night sky. A star shooted down ward. '(GASP) A SHOOTING STAR MAKE A WISH BROTHER!' said the child with stars in there eyes.'I wish we can have an expirience to go to one of our favorite games.' The brother said with content.

'You mean like minecraft?' Said the child tilting there head in curiosity. 'Yeah. . .like minecraft.' Said the brother.

'I hope so to.' Said the child as they lean there head on there brothers shoulder as they look at the shimmering stars in the night sky.'

[Y/N] went back to reality as they notice they were in the ground. They sat back up and felt something wet. They touched there cheek and noticed they were tears. Her tears. Tiny giggles escaped there mouth. And those tiny giggles bursted to a fit of laughter.

Now that they though about it. They find it hilarious to cry about someone that doesnt exist anymore. She is suppose to be happy anf gleeful cause now that there in peace. If there in peace those people cant suffer the cold world.

That they wont face the harshness of the world. They saved there brother from those things. So the only way for them to be in peace is to kill them. So in there point of view. Its mercy.

There laughter died down as they continued to walk around, hoping to find a village.

Untill they stumbled across a figure with a very familliar voice. It was a cloak wearing figure and you cant really see the face.

"Hello [Y/N]. Nice to see you are alright." Said the voice in your head.

"Oh, the voice. Yes im doing fine and i hope you to are alright. Would you care to explain why im here." [Y/N] said, Gesturing to the blocky world. "Ah, so you noticed. Well, as you can see       [Y/N] I brought you here for a reason. But i cant tell you now. But i can explain a few things." Mr Voice (as what you call it now) said. "Im all ears." [Y/N] said.

"Well since your here you are the mystery player. Or as what i call it. The Jester. The Jester is the extra player that can do many things and is part of everything in the following. The first player or player 1 is the fighter. It is the strongest amoung all the other players. Next is the second player or player 2 is the builder. Can build the best buildings and can break any block. Next is the third player or player 3. Can track any player and can sprint faster that the other 2 players. And now the mystery player. The Jester. A.k.a you. Now you can do all of these skills but 2× better. But you have a tallent strong enough to destroy all of minecraft but i don't know how to find it or trigger it. To know there a player you have to look at the side of there necks to tell there a player. There was a malfuntion so there are extra players that are added." The voice finished

You looked drained. You cant handle this much information. "Ok. I think i understand. Thank you for your time." You partially lied. "And one more thing. DON'T. Kill them." The voice demanded. [Y/N] looked a bit disapointed. They though they could at least try to tell if there blood curdling screams are as better as the bullies or the nurse. But they nodded anyways.

"Thank you for understanding. Untill we meet agien." Said the voice. [Y/N] only gave a small wave of goodbye as the cloaked figure disapiered. Leaving them all alone. Agien.

As [Y/N] walked in the grassy field. They felt there finger twitch. It continued twitching untill they were shaking completly. Bloodlust growing bigger and bigger each time. There vision going red. They cant handle there urge to kill. As night grew the mobs summond. Zombies gathering to go to our little player.

Big mistake. [Y/N] leap to it and jumped in the air grabbing both arms and kicked the face with so much force it rip both the arms. A skeleton came and attempted to shoot them with an arrow. They doged the arrow and rushed to the skeleton with adrenalin rushing to there veins.

They bashed the skull as it broke to a million pieces. They grabbed the bone and smashed it at the approching spider. A creeper showed up behind them. Unexpected by the player it blew up. They flew to a tree. Slowly falling down the tree as they cough up blood. They attempted to walk but failed and fell agien.

They laugh lighty and dryly. The sun raised up. It was fun while it lasted, killing mobs was not as fun as killing humans. Humans are way more fun. You can get a proper reaction from them. Some reactions are quite hilarious.

It took them a while to stand up so they limped to a near by village. An iron golem questioned them but they passed.

The player roamed around and silently and stole a bit of bread. Good thing they werent caught. As she ate the bread there wounds slowly healed. It felt weird honestly. They were still very confused why them of all people is suppose to be stuck in this game.

The sun was rising. Were they awake that long? Or was time quiker than usual? They were exhausted so they look for an abandoned house, so when they did they entered the house

An unexpected wooden sword attempted to slash the player. . . .




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