Chapter 9 | Not Today

Start from the beginning


To a better future—that you deserve.

"Let's go home first."

»»————- ♔ ————-««

"Have you brought your wallet?" You asked your husband once again, trying to make sure that there was nothing left behind, "I only prepared the clothes and any other necessities, except your wallet and your phone."

"It's all in my pocket now." He chuckled as you rechecked the belongings once again, didn't want him to forget something, even though it was not really important. "Calm down, I just need two sets of clothes and one pajama, and I watched you put it in the luggage."

Ever since the two of you landed in Japan, there has been no break for you. You would check for his passport, making sure all of his favourite clothes were all washed and ironed. Even though you could ask someone else for help, you wanted to be the one who did all of the work.

After all, he was your husband, and you felt like you were the one who is responsible for it. Though, every time he told you to just let it be and leave it to a laundry shop, you would always talk back with such a cute reason.

"I want you to feel like I am there when you are feeling cold!"

"So you could imagine that I am there with you at the hospital."

"Because we will be far away, and I want you to know that I am still right by your side."

And how could he say no after hearing such words? You said it all without any mischievous tone, it sounded so tender as you looked at him with a gentle smile on your face. He heard about you rambling, sometimes still complaining about how he didn't let you be there with him.

He remembered when you and he were still a dorky teenager. You barely did your house chores, let alone doing your own laundry. But here you were anyway, years later inside the house that made him feel at home because it was filled with your existence.

There was awe on his face as he looked at you ironing his shirt, lips shut as you hum some of his favourite songs. Your hand doing a constant movement, making sure there was no wrinkle on any of his clothes.

You folded it all gently, piling it up in a set before placing it inside the red luggage that usually he used when he was away for some tournament. This time he goes to the Netherlands, it would feel like a tournament for him after all. Yet he already knew the outcome of it, he was sure.

"I can't believe you almost didn't let me come with you to the airport." You let out a sharp huff, rolling your eyes a little to notify him how troubled you were.

"Well, my parents wouldn't like to hear us bicker anyway."

"That's not true!" His mother shouted from the front seat, "Oh, (Y/n). We love you so much, and even though you and Rintarou bicker like an old married couple, it's always lovely to hear it."

Hearing that, you stick out your tongue towards your husband, resulting in him to groan from your childish behaviour.

The entire road was silent after that, everything died down as your mother-in-law talked freely with her chauffeur. Your eyes focused on the two, finding a little spark and a giddy smile to appear on both of their faces as they interact.

Ah, you were amused by it. About how love was so unpredictable you wouldn't know when and where you could find it.

The brown-haired man gazed at you, catching you with such a soft look as a gentle smile adorned your face. He followed where your eyes took him, and he couldn't help but match your expression when he realised what was unfolding in front of him.

PHANTASM BLUES || Suna Rintarou x Reader x Kita ShinsukeWhere stories live. Discover now