Chapter 2 An Interesting Turn of Events

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Tony Stark was many things, Genius, Playboy, Philanthropist, with an emphasis on playboy. He didn't have a care in the world. Tony's company was doing great; for the most part, Tony didn't have to do anything with his company. Tony's godfather, Obadiah Stane, ran everything. Tony had a great personal assistant that ran his life for him, and he had more money than he knew what to do with; yeah, life was great. All Tony had to do was so up, sell their latest weapons to the military, and then he got to play around with his cars, his inventions, and his women. That all changed when a letter arrived for him by owl of all things.

Pepper Potts, AKA Tony's sitter, was upstairs on the ground floor of the mansion, working on his schedule while Tony was downstairs tinkering with his cars. She suddenly heard a tapping sound at the window. Pepper looked but didn't see anything, so Pepper went back to work. The tapping on the glass got louder; when she looked up, there was a large owl on the balcony staring at her.

‘What's an owl doing here in broad daylight,’ Pepper thought.

The owl started tapping on the glass again to get her attention. She finally realized that the bird wanted her to open the window. Pepper stood up and opened the sliding door for the owl. It flew in and made it's way to the bar and landed. Pepper slowly walked towards the bird, afraid to frighten it, it almost gave her a bored look. When she realized that the bird wasn't scared of her, Pepper reached out and stroked its feathers. The Eagle Owl cooed at being petted.

“Oh, aren't you a sweet boy? You must be thirsty,” Pepper said

As if to confirm her suspicion, the Eagle Owl smacked it's beak together and stuck out its tongue. Pepper smiled and brought him a bowl of water. While the owl was drinking water, Tony came upstairs, “Pepper, have you see- is that an owl?”

**It's a Eurasian Eagle-Owl to be precise, sir,** JARVIS said.

“Thanks for the information, JARVIS, but what's an owl doing on my bar.”

**Drinking water, Sir,**

“Thank you, JARVIS, that was very helpful.”

**You're welcome, Sir.**

“Pepper, maybe you can tell me?”

“He was tapping at the window, and I let him in to give him some water, Tony.”

At hearing Tony's name, the Eagle Owl turned and pinned Tony with a stare, “Why is it staring at me?”

The eagle owl held out its leg. Tony noticed a note tie to its leg; he assumed it was addressed to him because the owl was only looking at him, “Who uses owls to send letters? I'm sorry buddy, I don't like being handed things.”

The Eagle Owl ruffled its feathers and turned to Pepper, holding its leg out. Pepper's eyes widen, “I think he understood you.”

The owl deadpanned at Pepper, “Sorry, I mean the owl understood you, Tony.”

“How can an owl understand?”

The Eagle-owl gave an indignant hoot and snapped its beak at Tony; Tony help up his hands in surrender, “Okay, I'm sorry! You understand me! Shit, calm down.”

Once again, the bird held out its leg to Pepper, she untied the letter from its leg, and the Eagle-Owl flew out the window but not before it cuddling up to Pepper and glaring at Tony, “Did, did that bird just flirt with you?”

Pepper rolled her eyes, “Here open the letter.”

Tony took the letter, “This is written on parchment, who uses parchment?!”

“I guess the same people that use owls,” Pepper said.

Tony broke the seal and began to read the letter. It read,

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