Rainy Night

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              Bianca was excited about going back to Hogwarts, despite the horrible memories from the previous year. As she pushed her trolley through the barrier, she thought to herself, I wonder if they've repaired the damages all ready. She couldn't help her self as the memories came flooding back into her head.

                 Bianca ran through the castle, avoiding various curses and falling rubble, she screamed as a giant's club came down in front of her, one of her best friends Pippa pulled her aside before she got smashed by a ginormous foot that followed the club

She turned around to say thanks but wished she hadn't as a flash of green light came from behind Pippa's back and her friend fell face first into the stone floor. 

Behind her stood a death eater obviously pleased with himself. Well he had messed with the wrong Hufflepuff. 

She threw a jinx at him.

 "Petrificus Totalus" she yelled sending him falling to the floor. 

      Bianca is pulled from her trance as one of her other friends goes up to her. 

"Don't just stand there, other people have to get on the platform. Come on B," one of Bianca's closest friends leads her to where her stuff was. 

"Sorry Mina, I'm just a little nervous to go back to be honest," Bianca admitted. 

"We all are. How are you? Did you tell your parents anything?" Mina had always been close to Bianca and had often visited her house during the holiday, so she also knew that Bianca liked to keep her emotions in. It was why she was always so calm. Almost unnaturally calm in Mina's opinion. 

"No. They never really ask about school anyways. But I'm fine. The nightmares though. I haven't slept properly in ages," she was ashamed to admit it. 

Mina basically forced her to talk about her feelings though. As a Ravenclaw, Mina knew it was unhealthy to keep in your feelings.

"You really do need sleep. Just look at those bags. Tonight you just need to get some nice rest. Maybe even talk to Madam Pomfrey about getting a sleeping draught. I'm sure loads of people here are experiencing PTSD."

 Bianca nodded. She wasn't going to, but she didn't want her friend to worry. 

Just then a tall, pale, blonde boy walked past them. Bianca didn't have much time to look at his face, but his expression was obviously worried.

"He has some nerve showing up here. Why isn't he locked up in azkaban like his father? I'm surprised Mcgonagall even let him come back, considering wha-" Bianca quickly cut her off.

"Shut up, Mina. People make mistakes. He's here for the same reason as we are. To get an education. Now stop it or I will personally see that you are whacked by a bludger next quidditch match." 

Despite everything, Bianca still saw the good in everyone. She sometimes doesn't agree with choices people make, but she doesn't always know why they made them, therefore she can't judge them.

"Oh stop acting all high and mighty miss 'I see the best in everyone'. I know you were thinking it," Mina still hasn't forgotten how Draco Malfoy walked over to Voldemort's side. Sure he was really going to his parents, but they had stood with Voldemort. Hell, they had fought with him.

Eventually boarding the train, Mina and Bianca joined a compartment with another Ravenclaw who Mina started talking with right away. But Bianca pulled a small journal from her bag, and started scribbling away her feelings, her thoughts. 

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