Hogwarts Express

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*Notice*: Some of the chapters include YouTube videos with songs; I recommend playing them in the background for the full experience* 

As I cling onto my mother's leather jacket, a tear slips down my cheek. I inhale her flowery perfume, feel her curly hair tickle my face. "I'm going to miss you."

My mother cups her hands around my face, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I know baby, I know. But I also know that you're going to be alright."

I nod softly, staring into her soft blue eyes one last time.

I am to attend my first year at Hogwarts. Well, technically speaking, it's the fourth year. I am a latecomer. The black sheep. The odd one out. 

I couldn't tell you where I had spent the last four years of school. I also couldn't tell you why. Mother says I was in a terrible accident. She won't tell me what happened. 

Too emotionally challenging, she says. I believe her. 

"But what if I don't fit in?", I wrap my arms around my mothers torso. In response, two arms wrap around me, warm and familiar. 

"Oh, darling. I know you'll find a way; you always find a way, my strong little girl", my mother hushes me and brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. "And you'll catch up on the work as well, my smart little girl." 

Behind me, a man leans out the front of the train. "Five minutes until departure!", his deep voice echoes through the station. 

My mother pushes me away from her, gently, pressing my suitcase into my hands. "Go on! I love you my dear." 

I board the train cautiously. Eyes big, like a deer in headlights. I tighten my grip around my luggage as I walk down the long corridor. 

Where do I sit? 

I choose an empty compartment, close to the exit. Gratefully storing my suitcase below the seat, I exhale deeply, before letting myself fall back into the soft cushions. 

Turning to face the window, I see a crowd of parents, eagerly searching the compartments for their own beloved children. I try to find my mother. Alas, she is nowhere to be seen. My smile fades.  

The door to the compartment opens and my staring is interrupted. 

I turn my head to see a boy standing in the doorway. Tall, easily six feet. He towers over me, eyeing me from top to bottom. His eyes are grey, like the smoke rising from a fire. No, like the clouds on a rainy day. His platinum blonde hair is neatly gelled and he is wearing black dressy pants, and a light grey cashmere pullover. The smell of expensive cologne floods through the compartment. 

"You're in my compartment". 

I snap out of my daydream and blink. "I- um, I didn't know that there are assigned seats?", I mumble, avoiding eye contact. 

The boy shifts, adjusting his grip on an expensive leather satchel. "There aren't. But this is my compartment". His voice is intimidating and deep. 

I get up cautiously, picking my suitcase up. "I'll leave then, I'm sorry". I murmur, squeezing between him and the doorframe. 

I swear I can feel his gaze as I walk down the corridor once again, in search of another seat. 

A few compartments down from the one I had mistakenly sat in, I stumble upon said seat. A girl with straggly, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, occupies one of the plush benches. She's wearing a yellow dress with sunflowers, and a knitted pullover that matches her eye color. When she hears me opening the door, she looks up and smiles. I swear the compartment lights up as she does. 

"Hello", she says softly. "I'm Luna". Her voice is quiet and mumbly, as if she is stuck in a daydream. She closes the book she was reading and makes eye contact once again. 

I shift nervously. "I'm Madison". 

"What a lovely name...", Luna smiles and sticks out her hand. Her fingers are adorned with colorful plastic rings, and her nails are painted pink. 

I shake her hand gently. "May I join you, please?" 

"Certainly", Luna gets up from the bench, placing her book behind her. 

I crane my neck to look at the cover, deciphering the words Flobberworms, and where to find them. Luna follows my gaze, a smile playing on her lips. "It's a fascinating book, truly. May I?" She reaches for my suitcase, stowing it next to luggage that undoubtedly belongs to her: a small, overflowing wicker case, the handle wrapped in a selection of colorful bandanas.

I let myself sink into the cushiony bench across from hers. The train suddenly lurches, and my gaze shifts to the window. The station passes by. Parents wave, some with tears in their eyes, some with the eagerness of claiming a few moments of peace and quiet, now that their children are leaving for school. 

 "Pardon me if I'm just delirious and just haven't noticed you yet, but are you a new student?", Luna asks. 

"I am, actually." 

Luna eyes me curiously from top to bottom. "And before" 

I shrug awkwardly. "I had a terrible accident last summer, so I don't remember where I went to school before this. Or anything at all, to be honest." 

Luna raises her eyebrows. "I've heard of Nargles stealing items. My strawberry earrings went missing and I suspect it was them. Such a pity, I adored those earrings...". 

I stare at her, perplexed. 

Luna notices my confusion and smiles. "Nargles steal things. Mischievous little thieves. But I never heard of them stealing memories...". 

"Hm... Um... That's fascinating", I murmur, slightly confused. "I'm pretty sure I experienced a light concussion, which presumably triggered the memory loss". I glance up to see Luna slightly irritated. 

"But I suppose Nargles could've also been the cause", I quickly add. 

Luna's expression softens. "I can make you a butter beer cork necklace if they keep bothering you", she cheerfully suggests. "They keep them away". Luna returns to her book. 

I turn to see the station far, far away. A speck in the distance. Beside me, forests and fields rush by, an endless green flashing in front of my eyes. Wow... I rest my head against the wall and my vision slowly fades to black. 

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