Back to Hogwarts! -Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Sorry i havent updated! And guess what- I ALREADY GOT A VOTE AHHHHHH. Ok. on with the story..

 Hermione stared at the tawny Hogwarts owl finding the way to her muggle household during breakfast. Why had it come? The reason was probably very necessary and important, but she didn't like how Crookshanks was squinting at it or how it was interrupting her Honey-Nut-Cheerio time. The bird fluttered through her open window and landed the windowsill. Hermione sighed, stood up, walked over to the owl and started untying the knot connected to an official Hogwarts Letter.

The war really had tired her out, and although still loved reading and spending time with Harry and Ron, but now also loved sitting down and resting, and maybe a cheeky little nap once in a while. It was a trait that a teenager would look at and think was very adult-like. Hermione did not want to except that she was, in fact, an adult and ashamed because of it. She was, as her 11 year old self would say- a boring old lump.

Crookshanks stared intently at Hermione as she ripped off the wax seal and breathed in the parchment. Her eyes widened as she scanned over it. Another year at Hogwarts! And finally, finally, a normal year. A year where she could spend day laughing at The Three Broomsticks with Ron, Harry and Ginny over butterbeer, a year where she could finally spend her free time studying and reading, instead of plotting to save the wizarding world with her best friend and her boyfriend.

(AN: Yes, Hermione is still with Ron... This fact makes my heart shiver and my legs wobbly. Dont worry, this will change soon enough. Right now, its kinda the prouloge. When the new marrige law comes in, the real fun/story starts.)

 "Came to me in the mail this morning. Seems to me you've been... invited back to Hogwarts for a year to redeem yourself." Draco's father lips turned up to what seemed to be a smile, handing the Hogwarts letter to Draco. Although Lucius had been trying to change, and encoraging Draco to do so, they were both not adjusting to well. Rudeness and name calling was just more of their thing.

Draco looked down at the parchment. A bit of him leaped. No more gloomy household! No more strict mother! Blaise! Theo! Daphene! And... Pansy. The happiness in him almost died out. Pansy clinging on to him would not make a good year. Is old self would have gladly taken Pansy. No emotion but negative emotions, thats what he used to feel. Now Pansy would ruin the bright part of Draco he had just managed to pull together.

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