(ii) manager

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two weeks later

"ahhhh", y/n groaned, putting her face in her hands as she died of boredom. "i don't know what to do", she thought, zoning out of what was being taught in class.

"hey y/n", her friend himari snapped her back to reality, "who was that guy i saw you with a few days ago?"

"uh you're gonna have to be a little more specific", she replied plainly

himari stifled a laugh.

"something funny?", the teacher asked both of them, a tone of annoyance in her voice.

"no ma'am", y/n said sincerely

"then you won't have a problem naming the carpal bones of the hand, will you?"

"sure, there are eight carpals in the hand, namely scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate." she recalled

sighing, the teacher nodded and y/n sat down. himari continued to talk to her.

"who gave you those?", she asked, pointing to the three hickeys on her neck. she looked almost... fascinated.

y/n pointed to the marks, explaining that they were each from a different person. this wasn't uncommon for her, because she often hooked up with numerous people in a week. but today was monday. new week, new guy(s).

she eventually got bored of the class so she just walked out, idly roaming about the halls. she switched on some music and plugged in her headphones, apparently unaware of her surroundings before accidentally bumping into someone.

oh no she thought as the principal of the school stood in front of her, annoyed. he also happened to be her grandfather. not a lot of people knew that though.

"my office y/n", he said briskly. she silently followed him into his office. she'd been there a few times before this, almost getting suspended once when she was found fucking a guy in an empty classroom. she'd managed to get out of it though.

"you seem to have quite the reputation at this school y/n", the principal said, sitting down in his chair.

"and?", she asked, a bit annoyed

"and it's not very, how do i put this, tasteful" he said

"i'm aware"

"why do you insist on maintaining that image?"

she shrugged. she really didn't care that much about the kind of reputation she had or whatever.

"i want you to join a club or something instead of just cutting class when you're bored."

"well what club can i join?"

"i don't know, what are your hobbies?"

she shrugged again. she was a lazy person by nature, and she genuinely really wanted to stay lazy and not have the added pressure of an extracurricular.

"i don't think i have one"

"i wasn't asking, so i'm gonna assign a club for you. if you're doing so well at academics, you should easily be able to handle being the manager of the volleyball team right?"

"um what? don't they have like two already?"

"one of them quit because her parents were concerned about their academics. you start tomorrow."


"i don't wanna hear it. i'm doing this for your good."

"ugh fine", she rolled her eyes before walking out of the office.

"heyyy y/nnnnn", bokuto called as she walked down the halls.

"guess what", she said annoyed


a minute later he grabbed her hand, bursting in through the door of the gym with her before screaming out.


everyone's jaw dropped. she walked over to the coach, explaining the situation and then to yuki, the other manager. she seemed to be pretty nice actually. it's a wonder they hadn't spoken before this.

"hi boys", y/n said smirking, as they stared at her with shining eyes.

this probably wasn't gonna be that bad after all.

a nice change of pace, she thought.

"let's see", she looked at everyone as she took out her notebook again, "akaashi it's nice to see you again"

"hey y/n-chan", he greeted her, a small smile playing on his lips, "welcome to the team"

"hmmm...", she looked at everyone, recalling their names, "washio, yamato, oh hey konoha."

"hey y/n", konoha waved, avoiding her gaze. the other boys on the team weren't really as fazed as him.

for some reason she hadn't noticed him till their third year so she was very entertained to see him react so consciously. he seemed almost... flustered.

"cute", she mumbled to herself.

that evening
take a deep breath it's smut-ish

"you're really good at that", y/n gasped as the boy with dirty blonde hair came back up from in between her legs, thoroughly out of breath.

she had invited this beautiful boy over after volleyball practice and he had obliged. after all, who wouldn't?

"thank you", he hummed as leaned in, his lips messily meeting hers so that she could taste herself on his tongue.

konoha was drunk on the feeling of her lips on his. no one had to tell him it was a mistake that he felt this way. he knew what kind of person she was.

he knew he was gonna be 'use and throw', as was the fate of most guys that encountered this unapologetic heartbreaker. but he just couldn't help himself.

he wished he wouldn't have listened when she pulled away, walking over to her notebook and scribbling something in it.

"i think you might be my new favourite, konoha"


vote if you liked the chapter <333

i've been in a konoha kinda mood lately.

just a reminder that f/n and y/n means the same thing so don't be confused.

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