Chapter 2: Some Guidence

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"Then he just left?" Harry was in his apartment that he shared with his friend Jesse. Talking to him always made him feel better. No matter the problem Jesse always gave him good advise They had met at a gay bar a while back when Hermione was determined to make him realise what she had months ago. Scared of what the press would say and do, Harry blatantly denied it. That is, until one perticaly good night with a guy he met at one of the bars. Even though Jesse and him both preferred men, they had always been good friends and nothing more. Harry was pretty sure that it would stay like that forever, and was glad that he had Jesse in his life.

After Ron and Hermiones ugly break up, Ron had pretty much been out of the picture. He didn't know exactly what drove them to snap, but he knew that Ron had expected Hermione to be just like his Mum. Popping out a few kids, staying home to do the washing, then giving him a kiss on the cheek when he got home, the man of the family. But Harry knew that Hermione was destined for much bigger heights then being a stay at home mum. Not that that was a bad thing, Molly Weasley was the perfect example of a great mum, but at that time Hermione was nearly the head of Mungos, and she wouldn't let anything stop her on her way to greatness. Only seeing him in the halls at the Aura training facility, until Ron had quit. He claimed that he needed to help his mum since she was getting older now, but Harry had a sneaking suspicion that Ron was just waiting for Hermione to break, and when she didn't, he felt, ashamed? Harry didn't know. But he did know that Molly Weazly, the most determined and lively woman he'd ever met, was indeed getting older, as every one did, but wasn't backing down from her role as carer and "Boss Mum'' for a long while yet.

"Yeah. Weird isn't it? I've never seen him so sad for someone other than himself before. I wonder what the letter was about. Don't you?" Harry looked hopefully up at Jesse, wondering if it was a selfish thought.
"Well," said Jesse, trailing a hand through his hair, still wet from swimming. "I think its his business, and you say he's never shown much emotion before, so it's probably something really bad for him to be crying."
"I suppose." Harry murmured, almost ashamed of himself. But he lightened up as Jesse again spoke.
"It's totally normal to want to see what's in the letter, I Just think if he wants to say, he will. When did you say your next appointment is H?" Harry smiled fondly at the use of his old nickname.
"Umm..." he breathed, flicking through his calendar. "Wednesday. With...Draco. Hm, of course it's Draco. That's going to be awkward." He mused, almost to himself.

Jesse started to speak, but was immediately interrupted by a small child running in and hugging his legs.
"Hi Uncle Jesse!"
"Hey Ted! What are you doing out of bed?" Harry smiled. It still amazed him how much his best friend and his god son had bonded in the few months after Andromeda's death. He had instantly offered to take Teddy in, after discussing it with Jesse first of course, and they had been looking after him ever since. Teddy set a pouting baby look on his face and whimpered,
"I couldn't sweep uncle Jwesse!" He turned his head to Harry and continued.
"Can you just read one more storwy? Pwease!" Harry shook his head in mock delight, he knew full well that 'one' story in Teddys eyes was about twenty different picture books, before he would eventually fall asleep in either Harry or Jesse's lap.

Harry looked at Jesse who said,
"I can read to him tonight, you've had a big day." Harry nodded his head in thanks. Jesse then turned to the grinning child still gripping his legs.
"Go on Ted, I'll be in in a minute okay?" Teddy nodded, and scuttled to his room, already thinking if he could choose just one more book after his first pick.
"So you said on Wednesday?" Harry nodded.
"Maybe just ask him about it. I don't know, maybe he'll tell you."
Harry smiled, "Yeah I will. Thanks Jess. Sometimes I forget you're a year younger than me." The twenty one year old smiled back at Harry.
"Any time kiddo" He said in an old man's voice. Harry laughed, thinking just how lucky he was to have his friend.

 Harry laughed, thinking just how lucky he was to have his friend

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How cute is this?!?!

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