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"The time to leave this town has come.

To find a place that needs me instead.

No one will miss me anyway"

–Amelia! It's been a while! I'm so happy to see you!. It's been a while since last time I saw you....–Mrs. McDaniel welcomed me back in the choir after a while.

– emotionally stuck...been trying to get out of it. For some reason feels right to be back. Not bad as I thought it would be

–Yes...I can imagine...I knew about your father...I'm so sorry...I thought there was going to be an special service for him, but we never knew anything about it.

–Yeah, mom and I decided we didn't want people to know that much or treat us we didn't do anything. But I really appreciate your intentions on going.

–Well! You came back just in time!. Remember a few months ago I told you about this people coming to town doing auditions for young composers and musicians?. Well they will be back in a month! Seems like they didn't find what they were looking for last time.


I've never been a spotlight lover...but I realized trying things out of my comfort zone been such a good help...I won't be that person they are actually looking for, so why not trying?


I caught Mrs. McDaniel face out of guard once I replied straight away.

–Yes! Um...well, you will need a good piece to show on audition. That won't be a problem for you!

–I'll do my best. Once I have my presentation I will show it to you!

–CAN'T WAIT! I'm sure they will consider you!

–PROJECT! – Nora screamed on emotion once I told her about the audition.–I Could even help you to express while you play as well!

–Just if it's not a load for you to carry

–OF COURSE NOT! Haha I'm so excited!, I've never heard you playing but, for some reason I sense you are good!

–How can you tell that? Hahah

–Well, everyone has a special talent. You are such a shy person, so I wonder if this is like one of those things leave you jaw dropping Haha


I came back to Berny's and started to pack my stuff...I decided to leave...where? I don't know, another town where I can easily start over...

I was about to finish when I saw grandma's journal...I felt too mad to even take serious what was written in that book...but father says I'm just like her...good! Feel identified with someone who's here not more...

I decided to not put in inside my bag and carry it with me. Maybe it could be something good to read on the train...

I started to walk on London's dark wet streets on my way to the train station....I felt like everything was collapsing in my head...maybe I don't even know what I want , what I feel...But that's why I want to ignore all of it and start from square place, new people, new everything...or maybe I'm just running away... well, what happens next will tell.


Valentine arrives home as she notices Arthur's room door open...she get's in slowly already feeling his absence... she sees the bed done, all empty and a letter in the middle of the bed.

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