Happy Birthday, Moonshine

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, they belong to Haruichi Furudate.

Disclaimer: None of the pictures belong to me, the credit goes to the rightful owners.

Hello, everyone!!! Once again this fanfiction contains boy x boy, so if u don't like then don't read.

If you have no problem with that though, then please keep reading!!

Happy Tsukishima Day everyone!! I wanted to write something for the character I write usually so much about so this came out. One thing I should clear up is that this starts on the 27th evening and ends on the 28th ending. Also the opening is a bit wonky.

Anyways, Enjoy!!!


As one ages, they let go of the things they once used to find joy in. As time passes, their concern turns from which homework was due to if they passed the important file in time. Eventually people stop caring about the details in life, because who cares about what he would get on his birthday when he has to worry about office work?

Such is the case with Tsukishima Kei. He is a paleontologist and works at the Tokyo City Museum. He lives nearby, in a four bedroom house, which he shares with his old high school friends.

 Or at least to the public it is just four high school friends, who are bachelors living together. To them though it is quite different. Why? Because while they are all bachelors, they are by no means single. No, they are in a relationship, with each other. Yes, all four of them, together.

How did Kuroo Tetsurou, Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji and Bokuto Koutarou, four people so different make it work? No one knew how but they did it. And they made it work gloriously. They were as serious as one could be without marriage, which included wearing matching, if slightly different, rings on their right ring finger, right hand to stop unnecessary rumors.

But those actions were taken in the past. We are focusing on the present, which is our favorite tall and blonde middle blocker getting quite a pleasant surprise for his birthday, which as stated before, is something he has completely forgotten about.


For the past week, Kei has been busy arranging for an exhibition which is going to be held a few days later and he had been staying behind to work on it more and more. His lovers had given him the space he needed to work and yet managed to take care of him, which he was very thankful for and loved them all the more for it.

Now though, it is 11 pm and he is just coming home. All he wants is a shower, his boyfriends and bed. And a full 10 hours of sleep. It will be the weekend tomorrow and he fully plans on staying in bed, preferably with his boyfriends. Of course he has no idea what the date is, even though he had spent half his time in front of a calendar.

Opening the door, he resists from calling out the customary 'I am home', expecting his lovers to already be asleep. So, he's quite surprised when instead of being greeted with silence, he hears the sound of running. Barely managing to put away his shoes, he tries to turn from his spot on the genkan, but is stopped when long limbs wraps around him and he is enveloped in a bear hug.

Koutarou's voice sounds from above him, saying, "Welcome home, Kei.", his words being echoed by the other two people in the home. Kei leans back in his embrace, resting as he replies, "I am home.", his exhaustion obvious in his voice.

They can't stay that way forever though and Kei eventually moves, Tetsurou pulling him up. Both Tetsurou and Keiji claims their hugs and kisses now that he was no longer wrapped in Koutarou's arms and when he pulls away from Keiji, Kei asks, "Why are you all awake at this hour? You do know what the time is, right?"

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