*Seventeen - Jealous*

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"Sure" she says as we turn down another street. Thankfully, the street the hotel is on.

"Did you wear those shoes last night?" I say and she looks down at me, like my question is nothing she thought I would ask.

"Yes," She states with a suspicious look upon her caked face. She should really not wear that much eye-liner.


I fix the bag in my hand when it feels like it's slipping through my fingers. This alcohol is heavy.

"They looked familiar." I shrug. "Do you remember much of last night? I don't" Maybe asking this way won't make it seem like I've been wanting to ask her all day - like I was.

"Yeah. Louis told me you got wasted." She laughs, but I can tell it's at me, not with me. If Louis told her, then that means she wasn't with us. What if she left to go have sex with Harry or something. My stomach turns at the thought.

"You wern't around me?" I ask.

"No, after you left the dance floor, I was mostly with Harry."

"Oh." The feeling of jealousy hits me and I try to move past it, but it won't go away. I only slightly remember dancing. With Louis. I probably looked so stupid.

"You don't remember what happened at all last night?" She looks down at me. I shake my head and a small smirk shows on her lips. Why is she smirking? She almost looks like she's plotting something in her head. Or maybe she's remembering something stupid I did. Oh, god.

"Well," she starts. "You did try to kiss Harry" She says and my heart stops. I feel my face redden with embaressment and she begins to giggle from my reaction.

"I did?" I choke.

"Yes, but he pushed you away, don't worry. He said that he only thought of you as a friend and that he's trying things out with me." She falsely smiles and I can't help, but feel a pain in my chest. Harry didn't want me to kiss him? Not that, I'm saying I want to, but... I don't know. Why did I even try to kiss him? Sure, I thought I liked him. It was just the alcohol. The alcohol.

"Don't feel embarrassed Olivia. Sometimes guys just don't find girls like you attractive," she insults me just as we arrive to the front doors of the hotel. A man bumps my shoulder and I almost trip through the door as Coco holds it open for me. She gives me a sympathetic look before walking off towards the elevators. If I could, I would rip her hair out and throw it into the cold air.

Am I really unattractive? I can feel a lump in my throat building while we ride up the elevator to our floor. I try my best to push it down and keep my eyes as dry as I can. I hate feeling down from her words because I know that was her plan, but it's hard not to believe them. Especially knowing that Harry rejected me last night.

Harry's POV

I walk back into the living room from the kitchen and sink down into the couch. Niall and I haven't spoken at all since Olivia left and it couldn't be more awkward. It's been at least twenty minutes - each second more torturous than the next.

I can't believe Olivia left me here with this ass hole. I don't know why, but I just don't like him at all. He thinks he's all perfect with his perfectly blonde hair and slick shirt with jeans. I don't know what Olivia sees in this guy any ways. She claims that they're just friends, but I can tell they like each other. My face heats up when I see him put his feet up onto the coffee table. Why do I hate him this much?

You're jealous.

What? I'm not f ucking jealous. I'm not jealous of anyone, especially not him. I don't like how he just walked in here thinking he can chill at my place and steal my girl. I mean, Olivia - not my girl.

You want her to be.

What? I question my thoughts as they have been like this for the whole day. Ever since last night...

The door creeks open, making me come out of my head. Coco steps inside the room, but I don't see Olivia behind her. I immediately stand up from my seat and move around the couches. Niall stays glued to his phone. Charming.

"Where's Olivia?" I ask walking towards Coco.

"Calm down Harry. She's in the hallway. She just dropped the bottles," she explains and I scold her for making Olivia carry all the bottles.

"You made her carry them all?" I spit as Olivia steps inside the hotel room with the bag slightly ripped on the side.

"It's fine. She paid for them." Olivia walks to the kitchen counter and places down the bottles. She's so sweet and I don't know why. I shouldn't have even invited Coco. She's a bitch, but I wanted to make Olivia mad because she was inviting Niall over. I know Olivia doesn't like Coco.

"What kind did you get?" Niall joins us in the kitchen, placing his phone in his pants.

He walks behind Olivia and grabs one of the bottles, leaning into her body closer than necessary. My blood heats up when I see her giggle when he whispers something to her.

"You owe me for the alcohol." Coco comes beside me, grabbing onto my wrist and leaning her body into mine. Olivia looks up to Coco's body close on me. She frowns a little bit and I'm glad. She almost looks jealous. It makes me happy that I'm not the only one feeling this way.

I thought you weren't jealous, my head taunts me, but I ignore his pain in the as s.

Fine, I'll admit I'm a little jealous that Niall is all on Olivia. All last night I kept realizing how cute and funny and beautiful she is. It makes me pissed off actually. I don't like feelings that's why I only f uck around with girls like Coco. I know she likes me and I can tell she wants to get in my pants - not saying I don't feel the same. She is a bad kisser though. I bet Olivia kisses so good.

Last night when we were on the dance floor, I couldn't stop looking at her perfect, plump lips. I wanted to kiss her, so bad and we almost did until damn Coco got in the way. It's probably for the best we didn't though. It would make things difficult as hell and not to mention awkward. As I recall though, Olivia doesn't remember anything from last night. So, it's for the best. I still cant believe how beautiful she was. Even drunk.

What am I saying. God, it was just the alcohol last night. I don't like Oliva. I don't like Olivia.

"Harry, did you hear me?" Coco bites my ear and I look away from Olivia. I didn't even realize we were just staring at each other. I need to get her out of my head and stop thinking about her like I am.

"Uh, yeah. I'll pay you back later. How much was it" I say before walking out of the kitchen. Niall starts talking to Olivia and I'm trying to hear what they're saying, but Coco keeps blocking them out.

"You don't have to pay me back in cash." She walks into the living room behind me. She's so annoying. I wish I didn't invite her, but then again I'd be third wheeling it. Maybe, I should just f uck Coco so I can get Olivia out of my head.

"Should we start the game?" Niall says, walking back into the living room. My heart sinks when I realize Olivia is holding his hand while grasping the bottle of alcohol in her other hand. Niall puts his vacant fingers on the couch and waits for Coco and I to respond.

"Yep, let's start" I say, sitting down on the couch and pulling Coco on top of me. She giggles her annoying giggle and I fake a smile to her before glancing over to Olivia. She's looking down at the ground and I can't see her face.

"Alright" Niall says, pulling Olivia around the couch with him. She drops his hand once they're in front of their seats and sits only next to him. He places shot glasses I didn't notice before onto the coffee table and leans back onto the couch, draping his arm over Olivia. My cheeks flush with anger and I move Coco out of the way to grab a shot glass and the alcohol.

"Let's take pre-shots" I say, knowing I'm going to need lots of it to get me through the night.

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