Chapter Two

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-<(Y/N)'s POV>-

Ah. Another school day. Yawning, I wake up from my slumber and get out of bed and go brush my teeth. After that, I change into my uniform. Specifically the male school uniform. I never really liked the female one. Anyway, I walked out of my dorm room, which was luckily, just for me! No one else. Cool right? Now... where was I? Oh right, yeah.

As I walked to my first class, I felt someone grab my ass. Great... now I gotta deal with a perv. I turned around to see a certain bengal tiger smirking at me. "I knew it was you Bill." This douchebag keeps trying to get me to hook up with him. "Heh. Ya got me (Y/N). Now uh.. if you wanna meet up later, after drama club, we could have a fun time~" Ugh. See what I mean when I said he's a douchebag? Yeah. But, even though he's kind of a dick, he's actually oddly lovable.

"For the thousandth time, the answer is no! Dude, how many times to I have to tell you!?"

"Woah (Y/N)! No need to be so feisty! Besides, we're not even in bed yet~" As he seductively said that, he began to get closer to me. He put his arms around mine and winked. I'd be wrong if I said Bill wasn't a charmer. He makes me flustered, like a lot. As Bill puckered up at me, I saw a certain tall wolf making his way towards us. As he got closer, I notice he had a glare on his face. "Uh... Bill?"

"What is it sweetcheeks?"

"Behind you..."

"Huh?" He turned around to see Legoshi, intensely glaring at him. "O-Oh hey Legoshi!" Bill was trying to play it cool. Typical Bill.

"Bill. I suggest you stop what you're doing to (Y/N) and get to class." Woah. Okayyyyyy, not creepy at all. "Chill Legoshi! What's gotten into you? We're just talking!" Bill tried to reason with Legoshi. "Bill... now." Bill gulped. "Okay fine Legoshi!" As he walked away, he glanced back at me and winked. "My offer still stands~" He then continued to walk. Although I didn't show it, I was actually thankful that Legoshi stopped that.

"Are... are you okay (Y/N)?" Legoshi asked me. "Yeah of course I am dumb dog! Why'd you have to do that!? I can take care of myself!" He looked at me and sighed. Then he smiled slightly. "Okay. Just wanted to make sure." I kinda blushed at that, but I tried to not show it. At least I know he cares about me. But he sure is really tall. My head reaches his chest! His freaking chest! He also smells really good... mmmmmh.... A-Anyway! L-Let's not get off track!

"Yeah yeah. Let's just get to class."

So together, since we had the same classes and schedule, Legoshi and I walked to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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