My only Sunshine

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☝︎♋︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎🕯︎⬧︎ ◻︎□︎❖︎

"Hęłłø mý §øņ."

§ømęhøw ąfţęř ąłł ţhø§ę ýęąř§ ţhę bøřđęř fřøm ţhę vøįđ hą§ §ţąřţęđ ţø łø§ę įţ'§ §ţřęņğţh.
Įţ'§ ąłłøwįņğ mę ţø vį§įţ øř bęţţęř §ąįđ wąţčh mý §øņ§ fřøm ą đį§ţąņčę...

Ąh mý pøwęř į§ węąķęņįğ ţøø, į'łł §ęę bøţh øf ýøů §øøņ.

Sans' POV

I had a very bad nightmare last night which even made me summon attacks,
But the last time that happened was almost a year ago...
The weirdest thing was that there was someone behind the kid, but they looked like a shadow so I couldn't see who they were.


"Hey Berry, did you sleep well?"

"Great actually! I dreamed about the kiddie that you're growing!"

"Oh? Wanna spill the tea?"

"Well they weren't there yet but you were there all glowing and happy with a belly already. You were sitting infront of me and Red but there was one strange part..."

"What was strange?"

"We weren't alone, I felt eyes on me and everything became darker and so so cold. It was almost like a memory freezing."

"Hmmm goodmornin gorgeous, goodmorning beautiful."

"Hi Foxy!"

"Heya Tootsie!"

"I kinda want breakfast burritos and Nutella."

"Awww baby momma has his first craving."

I blush as they both start laughing.

"H-HEY don't laugh." I mumble the last part while they let out their last snickers.

Blue gives me a side hug and Red starts to softly pet me, both embarrassingly make me let out a pretty high pitched purr.

"I see someone is enjoying this."

"Definetly this is the loudest he has consciously purred, am I right Doll?"

"Wait, I purr in my sleep?!"

"You also talk sometimes sweetheart, and yell during nightmares but that hasn't happened in a while."

I let out a sigh of relief as they probably don't know about my genocide nightmare. Oh kid please don't do it again, everyone is finnaly happy.

"It's okay love, we both think the purring is cute and it's good to know when you have nightmares so we can help."

"Okay, thank you."

I give both a kiss on their cheeck and shorcut downstairs.
So to make breakfast... I hum my theme softly as I search for ingredients. Yes! We have everything!
So let's make scrambled eggs and bacon first and after that heat the tortillas and put the cheese in...

Suddenly the room starts to feel colder and turns dark at the edges,
no one is there when I look around but I feel eyes on me.
And the room feels like it's filled with magic.
Somehow it feels familiar, almost like someone I used to know...


"H-huh? Oh hey Red, what's up?"

"You were shivering and staring into space, I've been trying to get you out of it for five minutes already."

"Ohw, I'm fine it's was n-nothing."

"Are you sure about that Doll, you only stutter when you're really nervous or when there's something wrong."

"I'm okay, I just got reminded of something I almost forgot. I think I'll give Paps a visit after breakfast if that's okay?"

"Of course that's okay! We hadn't planned anything for today."

"Could ya say hi to Boss for me if you see him?"


Hey Everyone!
Well it's been a while...
That's  for two reasons
School and homework are kicking my ass
And I'm in the middle of a writers block, which also kind of explains why this chapter is shorter than usual.

Still hope y'all enjoyed it :)

My Sunshine, unfinished and discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now