
Why is he nervous?...

Frowning gently, I tilt my head toward him, watching as he looks away and takes a deep breath. The male biting his lip as he argues with himself. The male's eyes flickering with so many emotions. Anger. Sadness. Fear. Worry. Anxiety. Annoyance. What's going on?... Is he okay?... I thought he was okay?... Seeing him like this only spiked my anxiety. My stomach doing flips as I hold down a gag.

"Keigo, what's going on?" I ask worried, watching as he shoves his hands in his pockets in his pants and takes a shaky breath as he closes his eyes, "I thought everything was fine?..."

"Uh... um... the... the makeup designer coming... she's uh..." Keigo begins rubbing the back of his neck gently as he look away from me with a sigh, "She's... uh..."

"She's what, Keigo?" I say through gritted teeth, already guessing what she is to Keigo, my stomach twisting even more violently as he sighs and buries his face in his hands before groaning as I hit him upside the head, "Keigo, answer the damn question,"

"My ex..."

"Oh my fucking god..." I cuss, running my fingers through my hair as I take a deep breath to try and calm the rage bubbling over. Of course she was his ex! Keigo's slept with almost all of Japan! Staring toward him, I cross my arms, "How did it end? Good or bad? Answer me now!"

"Uh... badly..."

"Oh my — I'm going to kill you!" I hiss, grabbing the newspaper on a nearby counter and rolling it up, hitting him everywhere I can with the paper making him shriek and whine as I slap him with the newspaper, glaring toward him, "Keigo! Why?! Oh my god! She's gonna totally tank it for me isn't she?!"

"Babe... I..." he begins before sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose when I deflate against the wall, "Look... if she uses you against me... then we know that she's not a decent person and you've dodged a bullet okay? I'm sorry babe, I really am but if she decides not to pick you because of me then she's stupid... but please, please, please don't hate me..."

"You really don't make life easy do you, huh?" I hum gently, clearing my throat as he sends me a small sheepish smile but he does have a point. If she does use him against me because he's her ex, and refuses to even think that it's my work and not his, then he's right, "But you do have a point... now come on, let's get this over with..."

Nodding gently, Keigo smiles as I kiss his cheek before heading back toward the studio. My head spinning as I push open the door and walk toward my chair, sitting down beside Dahlia who glares toward me as Keigo sits beside me. I can't be asked with her shit right now, I have more pressing things to worry about. As soon as everyone files in, sitting in their respected chairs, my heart nearly jumps out of my skin.

No turning back now...

Clearing her throat, the makeup designer pushes herself to her feet and narrows her eyes as she looks along the lines of makeup designers and their respected models. My heart hammering in my chest as I look at her. God. Why does she have to beautiful?! It would have helped if she was a bit on the ugly side but my stomach flairs up uncomfortably. How many more exes does Keigo have that are gorgeous like her?...

She has long beautiful brown hair that ends just below her elbows that sways with every movement she makes. Her eyes were a striking deep aquamarine colour that could send shivers down anyone's spine. Her makeup on point. Eyeliner sharper than a knife.

God... this isn't going to go well...

Slowly but surely, she assesses each model with as much detail as she could. Her pen echoing against her clipboard as she writes down her comments, her praises and her improvements. Her nose turning up at some and her eyes lighting up at others. As she turns to Dahlia's model, the woman looks at the makeup down her nose and huffs to herself, shaking her head as she speaks with Dahlia about the improvements she must make. Dahlia deflating as she reads over her piece of paper, slumping in her chair...

Hate To Love You... (Hawks/Keigo Takami x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now