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As my patient population had been aging, I was seeing more issues related to Gynecologic cancer. I had participated in a study of treatments for several types of tumors common to the cervix and was asked to contribute to the paper which was peer reviewed for publication. The thought of seeing my name on a published article in the AMA was exciting but an invitation to speak at the IGCS (International Gynecologic Cancer Society) Annual meeting filled me with apprehension. The meeting was to be held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in September. Though I could get a direct flight from Chicago, I would be flying over the southern US. I had been very careful where I traveled since becoming the poster child for pro-choice. Again, Elsie was insistent that I should go. This was a huge step in my career that I won't get again. Brazil had legalized abortions and they and no other country would honor an extradition request from the state of Mississippi.

The flight down to Rio was without issues, though I didn't feel comfortable until we were over the Gulf of Mexico. On the return, we had to fly over Mexico to avoid another major storm in the gulf. Still the flight was very rough from flying thru the outer bands of the storm. So rough that as we crossed the Rio Grande near Big Bend, the pilot announced there were warning lights and that we would be making a stop in Houston to have a mechanic take a look.

Yes, I was concerned but was mildly relieved when the pilot said that we would not be deplaning. Just a quick check and we'd be on our way. A quick check turned into more checks and two hours later a worn part was in need of replacement. The estimate was another 2 hour delay so the captain allowed passengers to deplane and stretch our legs. Once the cabin door was opened, I had a sinking feeling of dread. I didn't leave my seat hoping my staying would somehow help the mechanics fix the plane quicker. The plane grew warm in the Houston sun and the fatigue and stress of the journey had caught up to me and I dosed off. I was aroused by two policemen who asked me if I was William Dankewicz. Someone had alerted State Attorneys General in all southern states that a man wanted for murder in Mississippi was traveling from Rio to Chicago and if my flight was to touch down in any state to apprehend me. There are some theories that conclude the pilot was in on it and had faked the warning light. Either way, Houston's finest did not disappoint. Within 48 hours I was on another plane to Jackson, handcuffed to a sheriff's deputy.   

The True Believerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें