Headcanon #1: First Meeting

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(this is basically an AU where the killing games never happened. they met by fate in a normal world.)

((Nagito Komaeda's Point Of View:))

I was never the kind of person who regularly went to a coffee shop to go clear my mind after a long day of walking restlessly along the bright streets, but on this cold night, I felt differently.

I don't know if it was perhaps the way another person would weirdly gaze at me as I passed them by without looking at them back, or if it was the way I got chills with each snowflake that gently scraped along my cheek that made me want to go to the coffee shop in the first place, but I did end up stopping by, standing in front of the shop.

The warm colors that poured onto my silhouette as I walked in made me feel warmer, and the gentle sound of rain began to pour as soon as I stepped inside the coffee shop.

Lady luck seems to be smiling down upon me today... I thought to myself solemnly before a little smile touched the edge of my lips. Wonder what kind of bad luck I'll have now... 

My senses were filled with the smell of different kinds of light coffee, the chocolatey taste almost filling my mouth. I felt more relaxed, but not completely. There were still people inside, talking quietly amongst themselves. Whether with a partner, with a group or by themselves.

There was one person that my eyes caught on though. A male, who looked around my own age, sitting down at a small circular table, his peppermint mocha latte sitting there in front of him, half-full but half-empty. However, you'd like to perceive that... His eyes were focused on his Macbook and he was typing swiftly, the screen sometimes flashing and reflecting different colors onto his face as he switched tabs from time to time on his computer. They revealed his small eyebags growing heavily under his eyes. He must've been tired. Something felt familiar. . .

 I still look back on this day and think to myself how long he'd been working... 

After a while of me staring at him, he finally noticed and stared back for a while. There we stood, just two random strangers, who probably had no destiny together, staring. Why does this feel so familiar...?

I quickly apologized and went to leave, but he stood up in objection and waved me over. I bit down on my tongue and sighed, honestly hating human interaction because of my bad luck, but I reluctantly walked over to where he was sitting down and sat down in the chair directly in front of him, tapping my cold fingers on the marble circular table, tracing a finger along the designs carved into the aged wood.

We sat there in silence for a while... almost for too long. It didn't feel right. It was pretty awkward, but who is someone like me to say that about someone so great...

I fidgeted with my light white and pink floofy hair, before he finally spoke up, taking a sip of his latte before doing so.

"Did you not recognize me, Komaeda?" His gentle tone spoke, which almost reminded me of a distant lullaby, finally reminding my body how tired I was. Everything ached to be quite honest, but someone as useless as me shouldn't ramble on to you...

I looked up, my fingers stopping and I observed the male a bit more. My eyes growing wider the longer I stared.

"Hinata-Kun--- Oh, it's you!" I almost jumped up and bowed, but I kept myself planted into my seat.

Be normal. Be normal. I need to be normal.

Hajime cast me a curious side glance before taking another sip, a humourous expression grew wider on his face. I perked an eyebrow at him, to which in response, he just chuckled.

I admit I love his laugh. I love his company, but what's with the face?

I did end up asking. He explained he thought it was funny how he didn't recognize his own co-worker.

Let me give you a little backstory on how we met in the first place... Probably should have done that in the beginning, but someone as insignificant and stupid like me can't seem to do anything right.

the backstory of how they met.

Five weeks ago, we had a new employee hired to help us in our department. His name is Hajime Hinata, and no one really knew who he was, he seemed to be a completely normal guy. No talent at all, but he was still helpful. He did his job well, and the boss told all of us to leave him alone and pay him no mind at all... and that's exactly what we all did.

He never seemed to pay attention to us either, so it was fair. We did bump into each other while we both were in the break room because I spilled my water onto the floor and he was gracious enough to help clean it up. He's a very nice guy, but I really don't deserve to be in his presence, to begin with... so I did avoid him for the rest of that time.

Understand now? Anyways, back to the present, I guess. An ultimate like you shouldn't be kept waiting for so long...

present time, back at the coffee shop.

"You're right... it is pretty funny! Guess someone like me should've paid more attention, huh?" I chuckled lowly and sighed, cupping one side of my face with my hand and stared back at him. He was pretty nice to look at... he always was.

Hajime shook his head and set down his latte. "Oh, no... I wouldn't say that--- just a joke..." He laughed, and as soon as he did, it shook off the tension I've felt all day. 

Avoiding him had been hard. It honestly had.

We ended up talking for a bit more until we both agreed we were tired. And we parted ways. . . Until we realized that coincidentally, we were both neighbors... and let's just say, we hung out a lot more ever since we found that out. Just my luck today, huh?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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