•𝘂𝗻: 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻•

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I looked out the window of my new bedroom window to see another moving van unloading the boxes that held the furniture from my previous house. I sighed and turned around, facing the box that held all my books. I pushed them into a built in shelf in the wall and looked to the door, seeing the moving guys hauling my bed through the hallway.

I opened the white double doors more so that they could have more room to come in and I stepped to the side. They put the bed down then walked out, leaving me to move it around wherever I wanted. I put all the pillows on it and went to decorate my walls. In the end, my bedroom looked like this:

 In the end, my bedroom looked like this:

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( 👆🏼but bigger)

I walked down the stairs to see my adoptive parents sitting at the kitchen counter.

"Honey, we need to tell you something. You'll be going to a new school called Foxfire High on Monday. I know-" Edaline said.

"What?!" I said, cutting her off. "I was barely noticed at my old school! I was just starting to warm up to it, I finally made some friends! Now you're just gonna uproot me and put me in a school I've never heard about! Ugh!" I said and stomped my foot like an angry two year old. I rolled my eyes when I saw Grady and Edaline's shocked faces, something that I never did.

"Young lady, go to your room!" Grady said sternly. I turned, mumbled something you wouldn't want to hear, and ran up the stairs. I flopped on my bed and huffed. I got my phone out and opened Instagram. I saw a picture of a guy with dark hair, perfectly tanned skin and captivating (but strange) teal eyes mussing his hair. His name was Fitz Vacker. Wow. He is cute. I thought, then hit myself in the forehead for thinking that.

After about an hour of scrolling through Instagram and YouTube I went downstairs to eat dinner. No one really talked while we ate our quesadillas. Then, I told my parents goodnight, showered, and went to bed.

 Then, I told my parents goodnight, showered, and went to bed

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Beep! Beep! Beep! my alarm clock blared. I opened my eyes slightly and reached my arm out of the covers to try to take the annoying thing off. I slowly got out of bed and checked the time. 6:30 a.m. I looked at myself in the mirror and got scared.

My hair was sticking out like a pineapple and dried spit crusted my chin. I had crusty eye boogers peeking out from my tear ducts. Immediately, I went to bathe. After putting my hair into a messy bun, I put on a pair of black tights and an oversized sweater.

I pulled on some boots with slight heels and said bye to Grady and Edaline. My guide was supposed to be outside waiting for me, so I opened the door and walked down the large steps. On the last step, I tripped. Strong arms caught me when I almost collided with the ground. I looked up, blushing, and my jaw fell to the ground when I saw who had caught me.

Fitz Vacker! I screamed in my mind, Hot guy from Instagram! Brain malfunction. He helped me up and I apologized profusely. He shook his head, chuckling, and let me over to a black Ferrari.

"This is yours?" I said with disbelief.

"Yep, got it for my sixteenth birthday." he replied.

He helped me into it and started the engine.

"Ready for school?" he asked.

I gulped, then nodded.

Then, we sped off.

A/N: what do y'all call the crusty thing in your eye you wake up with? My family calls it yampy pfft
Word Count: 644 words

The New Girl at Foxfire (A Sophitz High School AU) [UNDER EDITING] ⏳Where stories live. Discover now