Chapter 2

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1 month later

It was the night before I leave for Hogwarts. I was so excited I couldn't wait to go. My mother has been coming into my room every night for the past month, she counts down the days when I leave and cries in my arms every night telling me how much shes going to miss me while I comfort her. "I'm so proud of you, dear. Already going off to Hogwarts. I'll see you for your Christmas break," said my mother. I nod then fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke up early so I dont miss the train. I go into my bathroom to get ready. I finish getting ready and get my things ready to leave. When me and my mother arrive at the train station, my father was at work, we looked for awhile to find 9 ¾. We decide to ask someone 'cause we were getting frustrated and stressed. We come across a boy, my age, with messy hair and glasses, so we walk up to him.

"Hi, I'm Maddie and this is my mum, do you know where 9 ¾ is by any chance?" I asked the boy whilst my mother waved and smiled at him.

"I'm Harry and yes, you just run into that wall. May I ask, where are you going?" Harry responded.

"Nice to meet you Harry thank you, and I'm going to Hogwarts for my first year."

"No problem and I guess I'll see you in the train, if you want you can sit next to me and my two friends." He said politely, I smiled at him to say thank you and I will sit near him. Me and my mum walk away from Harry and go to the wall and run towards it. I got scared because I thought that I would hurt myself but I, in fact ran onto a platform. At first I was confused but realised it's the wizardry things. I was standing with Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, getting to know them better.

When the train arrives, I board the train with my three new friends. I wave goodbye to my mother. I go to find where Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting and find them sitting near the middle of the train. I sit next to the window with my head leant on it. I can hear Hermione, Harry and Ron talking whilst I slowly drift off asleep.

A couple hours later, I wake up to Hermione shaking me. I groan. I hate waking up, especially really early in the morning. "Maddie! Wake up! Were nearly at Hogwarts!" Herione was now whisper-shouting and still pushing me gently to wake me up.

"Ughh. I'm up, ok?" I said in a harsh way. The boys and Hermione look at me in a shocked way because they havent seen my real side. When people first meet me I'm nice but as you get to know me, I'm very bitchy. And when I say very, I mean very.

I quickly put my robes on and got my things ready to get off the train. I was still tired but my tiredness soon went away when I was about to get on a carriage that takes us to the castle. After about 10 minutes on the carriage, we soon arrived at the castle. I started getting really excited and nearly started jumping all over the place but decided not to because I would get very embarrassed.

I meet some people. This girl called Pansy I hated her. She was a bitch and seemed like she was the best and 'deserved' everything. I meet some of the professors like Professer Dumbledore, Professor Snape and this other chap, Hagrid. Hagrid was the one who gave us the tour. We went to the Room of Enquirment, the Astronomy Tower and loads more places.

We start to go to this massive hall. The Great Hall. It was called. I walked around to see a familiar hair colour. I look at his hair in much detail. Then he turned around and I looked into his eyes. I instantly knew who it was. His dreamy eyes and his handsome self.

It was Draco Malfoy. He goes to Hogwarts?  I thought then realised I could probably become close friends with him. Then I realised I lost myself again, in my thoughts. Again. I kept thinking about Draco. How good looking he was. Actually, he was more than good looking. He was FIT.

I get snapped back into reality when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see my friends all staring at me, confused looks on all their faces. I decided to ignore it. I heard Professor McGonagall about to speak.

"Hello first years. I am Professor McGonagall. Before you start your classes you will be put into different houses, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. The Sorting Hat will tell you what house you will be put in." McGonagall greeted us. I look around and see that Draco is stood nearby me and my friends. I look where he was and he looked back and smiled. I turn back around to my friends and Draco does as I do.

Hermione looks at me and nudges me. "Ooo, who's that? Your boyfriend?!" She whispers to me, whilst nudging me. I rolled my eyes playfully at her. The boys stare at us as we laugh. They had confused look on their faces but we just ignored it. We was about to start having a conversation when McGonagall got up at the podium and started talking, again.

"Right, we will be sorting you into your houses now. When I say your name, please proceed to where i am standing. Draco Malfoy?" McGonagall speaking as Draco got up and walked to where she was. He went and sat down on the chair with the Sorting Hat above him. The Sorting Hat spoke without hesitation, "Slytherin" it yelled. Draco started smiling, again, and walked to his house table.

Harry, Hermione and Ron all got into Gryffindor hoping I would too. "Maddie Blossom," said McGonagall. I walked up to the podium, hoping for Gryffindor. I wanted Gryffindor aswell because my parents and grandparents were in Gryffindor so I was blood so I was in straight away. I sat down on the chair with the hat above me. It hesitated but before I could grab a piece of hair to play with it, words spat out, "Slytherin" it said. I was shocked. I was blood Gryffindor and all my friends were in Gryffindor yet I got into Slytherin?! I hesitated before sitting down at my house table which is right behind the Gryffindor table. I wish I could just turn around and sit at it but I knew i would have gotten told so I just sat there with a miserable look on my face.

I sat next to Malfoy. After everyone got put into their houses se got showed our common rooms and where our dormitories were. The Slytherin dormitories were down a creepy hallway but it didnt feel that bad. I shared a dorm with this girl. Her name was Holly. She seemed really nice and she was going through the same thing as me. She had Ravenclaw blood in her. I heard the sound of relaxing water nearby I saw that it was right under my dorm room and out the window. I didnt mind about my dorm being above a river because I loved the water. It relaxed me.

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