Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

He had woken that day as usual. Before the sun rose to take care of any chores around the house before leaving for school. He tried to take care of everything before he went to bed, but even then the chores seemed to stay the same never changing pile.

He woke. Fed the hens, washed the dishes, tidied up the 'house' and studied his 'lessons'. Which weren't much really; just basic math and an overall history of the village, the founder, leaders - the basic knowledge. Only those of higher rankings, families, or social statuses learned more. He was part of the lower class, he was from a poor family.

He lived with his older sister and her family. They were all that was left of their own, after the plague that ravaged their poor little village.

He gathered his things and left just as the sun began to rise. Like he had every morning before. Something he had thought he would continue to do, every morning after as well. He walked down the worn path to the grand building all the children called school.

It was tall, one of the very few things that were well taken care of in this town. With great white walls, a clock in the center, an empty but still breath taking fountain in front and walls of fading white.

It was walking to this building that he first saw her. She had passed by him. Not really by him, but she had gone the opposite way he was walking. Away from the school. Her strides long and powerful. He had glanced back at her as she passed him. At first he wasn't sure that is was a her, just that this person had this strange aura about them.

He had glanced back, and saw that she too had glanced back. her hood cast a shadow over her face. So he only saw a chin, girlish looking, thick lips, and glowing slanted eyes that looked yellow. His own eyes widened and he took a step forward and turned completely. She was already walking away.

He shook his head and decided that it was a trick of the light, before continuing to school. Classes went along as usual. But during lunch; yes, that was when things took a turn for the worse. Than that creature had appeared, out of nowhere, smashing down a wall.

As soon as it had showed up, everything and everyone had flown into a panic. People were screaming and running, it was chaos... it was terrible. He climbed to his feet and like many others raced home as well. He had to make sure his older sister, and her family were safe.

He had raced home to find that they had packed what was important. What they could eat, sell or trade. They had packed his things as well. His older sister, Meleora, handed him the bag, her eyes wide and fearful, though she kept calm for her children's sake.

"Aidan, we have to go. Do you know what happened?" He nodded.


"We have to go." Her husband, Nermes said pulling them along. They followed to the back of their home. Nermes pulled back a sheet, uncovering their old almost broken down tredruge. IT could start, but no one knew how far it could go. It only seated four. Nermes and his sister shared a look.

"I'll stay." Aidan had volunteered quickly.

"No, Aidan-" He cut Melora off.

"I'll be fine. I'll find a way to catch up to you. Reveerta, right? I'll catch up." He helped load the chidren, Selret, and Norma, his nephew and niece, onto the Tredruge. He hugged his sister quickly. "I'll catch up." HE said then regarded the children carefully. "Watch out for each other and your parents ok?" Selret nodded seriously and held his younger sisters hand.

They had taken off. More monster things were running around the Village. Everyone was rushing off to one of the sister villages. Some staying behind, whether it was because they could not ride with their family or they were staying behind for possessions or other reasons. Some stayed behind.

He was walking down the street, his body tense ready to run back home at the sight of a monster, when he saw her. She was casually leaning against a wall, her slanted yellow eyes on him. He froze, and she smiled. She turned and began to walk away. 

He didn't know what possessed him, but he took off after her. "Wait!" He called, she took off running. He chased her to an ally where he then lost her. He leaned against a wall, looking to the other end of the alley, a brick wall. Where could she have gone?

He heard soft chuckling, looking up he saw a monster. It loomed tall, and strong looking. It's mouth opened revealing rows of sharp teeth. It's skin leathery and gray. It had no eyes, but large nostrils. Spit flew from its mouth as it roared...and then It lunged at him.

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