Chapter 6 | Back to Him

Start from the beginning

"I will be there," You answered steadfastly, didn't even let a second pass, "I will be there on every tomorrow."

A tear dropped from the corner of your eyes as some old memories replayed inside your mind. You were afraid that someday it would be taken away from you, all of those scenes of life that usually stayed on the corner of your head.

You were nervous, didn't know what you were going to say once you finally saw him eye to eye. Even though he said that he wanted to take a break from you, you couldn't help but rush to the shared bedroom before you go; slipping the diamond ring that hopefully would turn into a sophisticated platinum band like how the two of you planned it before.

Kita glanced at your figure every few seconds, letting out a sigh from the tense atmosphere that surrounded the small space of his car. You fiddled on the ring, biting your lips as your mind wandered, trying to predominate yourself with the thought of your first love.

"It's going to be alright," He whispered, "You and Suna, the two of you would be alright." Didn't care about his own heartache as he voiced the words out from his lips, "You can talk everything out with him."

You parted your lips, wanting to say at least a response of gratitude. Yet nothing came out, all the words stuck on your throat. Kita knew this, he didn't need to hear anything from you, you knew how grateful you were for everything.

And because you knew him too, you decided to close your lips and keep the response to yourself for now.

Looking out the window, your eyes caught the tall familiar building that belonged to Suna's family. You remembered how the first time you went here and checked the listing price you wanted to run away from this exclusive place and never come back.

But the perks of being his fiancée, you didn't have to pay a cent as everything was paid by his parents. They were always grateful for your existence since they said you made him feel alive (and at some point you just want to spout the words that he would be alive since childhood if only he got some amount of affection from them).

Though, you always looked so proper in front of their eyes. Even though you were not someone from another rich family or someone with high status—what they knew was the fact you were significant through their son's eyes, and that was enough.

The valet took the car keys from Kita as you got down from the car and walked up towards the main entrance. He held out the door for you, knowing how you wanted to keep yourself lowkey as you were here.

The employees and a lot of people knew who you were, the princess. One that everyone always wanted to greet due to the warmth that you always radiate for everyone. But for today, you didn't want to be recognized at all.

Even though you had your head hanging low and had your senior to cover you as he walked first, you still could feel some pair of eyes glancing towards you once in a while. A murmur of speculation, one that sometimes turned into gossip.

But you shook your head and decided to just focus on the environment, feeling like dwelling wouldn't help much for the meeting that you were going to have.

The hallway was like something that you saw in a futuristic movie. Everything that could glow, did glow. There was some metallic colour, sleek floors and the art on the walls were all natural images or real photographs.

When you breathed in, you could smell a pure fragrance. Not extremely sterile that could make you feel more ill, it's just clean. In the background played music at the right level that could lift up the emotion from everyone in the hallway. But the best part was the ceiling, clear and high arched—like you were standing out in the open without the risk of getting cold.

PHANTASM BLUES || Suna Rintarou x Reader x Kita ShinsukeWhere stories live. Discover now