Chapter I

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The room was cold... Good thing I borrowed Bemgyu's sweater before coming into class!

My broken converse grazed the floor every time I swung my legs down. These chairs were made for elementary students, not high school ones.

"The papers Karen is handing out are your grades for this semester exam. If you got above 80% you get to go on the school field trip this summer-" Before the teacher could say any more the bell rang

The last period bell was like my favorite song playing, I always jumped up to it, ready to leave. My paper was handed to me and without checking it I dashed out the door. Although being one of the first ones out of the classroom, the hallways were already filling up fast.

The last week of school, nobody gives a damn, no work, no homework, and no backpacks, glory days. Days I don't have to stay up until six am doing homework. Not even five minutes after the last bell, I was already outside the school headed to the bus.

This side of the school is in need of remodeling. The bright red trim on the top of the building was a horrific sight whenever we looked up. Having doors on both sides of the corner comes with an enormous amount of traffic and fights with all the people bumping into each other. The small sidewalk next to the building only allows for rows of two, not enough for a school with over 5,000 students. The bright green grass, that although all battered up from the students walking on it was still intact with no brown patches to be seen.

I get on the bus and go all the way to the back putting my feet up to rest, along with taking my sunglasses out of my pocket so I can look out the window properly.

"Move" I hear and turn to see Layla walking towards me.

I put my feet down and keep looking out the window completely ignoring her presence. The bus gets louder as more and more annoying teenagers get on.

I look at the people coming in and filling up the bus, Abel comes in and snatches my test score paper out of my hand and sits next to Layla. Samuel, Abel's friend, sits next to him, with his backpack, surprisingly.

"I'm sorry, what?" He says as he looks at my paper with his eyes squinting and showing it to Layla and Samuel

"How can you get 120%?" He asks

"Debunking theories. Most likely English when a philosophy theory is given for you to summarize into your own words or any question about theories in any subject. If you are able to convince the test checker of a better theory; your theory being better plus also adding the correct theory they asked for, it gives you an extra four points for each question you debunk" Layla answers

Abel just stares at my paper in shock as he hands it back

"What you get?" He asks Layla

"Don't know, I get mine in the mail since they are being sent to the colleges first"

Abel shakes his head in disbelief and gives Layla a kiss on the cheek

20 minutes later the bus starts on its path. Our bus stop is one of the last ones so I lean into my seat getting comfortable for the long ride ahead of us.

I get off at the bus stop along with Layla and a couple of other students and start walking home. The walk isn't that long since we just turn a corner and we get to our street. Layla and our neighbor chat as I walk ahead ready to get home and take a long nap.

Summer is my favorite season because of all the natural light coming into the house, and it's not a gloomy light like, from winter, this light lifts your mood up.

As I get home the dog runs out as I open the door, I leave it open knowing Layla is right behind. The house is empty, which is when it seems the cleanest.

I take my shoes off and don't even bother putting them on the shelf and walk to the kitchen putting the paper down on the table and getting a glass of water. I gulp the water down and take my sunglasses off leaving for my room. I get on my bed and sunbathe with the sun coming in from the windows.

Without realizing it I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up and hear noises in the kitchen, mom must be back. I deeply sigh and get on my phone checking the time.

Barely six, I slept a bit.

I stay on my phone a little while and scroll through Instagram when I get a call. I answer, put the phone on speaker and talk.

"What," I say looking at the ceiling.

"You took my sweater," He says

"Oh really, I didn't notice," I say sarcastically

"Yeah, yeah," he says laughing

"What you get?" I ask

"Perfect score" I hear his bluffing in his voice

"Good job," I say

"Put some more feeling into it!"

"Anyway, tell the principle to pair us up in the same bus so we could sit together," I tell him

"Awe, you want to be with me? Are we gonna ride horsies together and walk down a flower path holding han-"

"Yeah I wanna be with you," I say straight forward

"Hey," he pauses "You don't say it so seriously like that, you make me get the wrong idea"

I start laughing as he almost stuttered his words off "ok, sorry" I say still laughing

I heard him loudly sigh over the phone before he spoke again "Hey, did you hear what happened in gym class today?" he asks


After a good two-hour phone call with Beomgyu I get off my bed and go look for food. Coming out of the kitchen empty-handed I walked to the living room texting someone. Minutes later I'm out the door on my way to the ice cream parlor in the middle of the west side of the city.


I open the door and wave at Beomgyu and walk towards him.

"I've missed you so much," He says smiling and handing me the mango chili ice cream he had bought me.

I look around and notice the shop is pretty busy today, unusual.

"Thanks," I say finally paying attention to him

"I texted the principle"

"What he say?" I ask

"Obviously he said he'd put us together"

After a small silence, I speak

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"What is?"

"I mean all the people in the shop"

Beomgyu smiles "Do you want me to kick them out?" he jokes

"No, look at the new employee"

Beomgyu turns and notices the tall skinny dude with tattoos scooping chocolate ice cream into a kiddy cup

"So what he seems out of place? He looks normal to me, the shop is probably full because of him"

I get up, going to go talk to the new employee when Beomgyu grabs my wrist

"What are you doing?" he asks looking at me seriously

"Going to go talk to him"

"Can you focus on me for a couple of seconds, he has everyone swooning over him, I don't think he would notice"

I smile at Beomgyu's not so subtle jealousy and sit back down

"What do you want to talk about lover boy" I smile

He rolls his eyes and digs into his ice cream.

We had another long talk, when we got out, the sun was already setting so we parted ways. I get home and hop in the shower before going on my phone in bed.

"Country Girl" TXT FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora