Suicidal Twins

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Brother, sister watch each other. Twin, twin knife in hand. He pricks his thumb, she pricks her thumb. Thumbs together, twins forever. Thumbs together, twins forever. He slices his arm. Slice, slice, slice. She slices her arm. Slice, slice, slice. Brother, sister lock eyes. Twin, twin together decide. He slices his wrist deep. She slices her wrist deep. Brother does the other. Sister does the other. Thumbs together, twins forever. Thumbs together, twins forever. He is on the ground. She is on the ground. He holds her hand. She holds his hand. His grip is growing weak. Her grip is growing weak. Brother, sister on the floor. Twin, twin breath no more. Brother, sister surrounded by blood. Twin, twin their time is done.


This is what happens when I write at 2am.

Sweet dreams

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