Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Well," After a moment of brief silence, (M/n) had chosen to finally speak up. Her voice was light. Soft and gentle, as if the volume would reveal the scene to be nothing but an illusion. "Are you going to open it?" The child bit her lip, not moving her crystal-like eyes away from the envelope before she nodded, albeit hesitantly. Loosening her grip, (Y/n) moved a hand to the top of the casing, tearing the small flap open. As she peered inside, the teenager's (e/c) eyes widened at the contents.

What lay inside its' sleeve was not a piece of paper like the family was expecting, but a small, metal disk. Humming in confusion, the girl reached in and pulled it out, yelping in surprise when it started to beep. "Ah!" She squealed, tossing the disk onto the table as it continued to beep. The relatives all let out noises of surprise and backed away from the table—Nanashi taking on a protective stance in front of the smaller girl. However, what happened next was not what anyone had been expecting.

"Hi lovely~! Midnight here!"

Above the metal disk stood the pro-hero herself—in all her R-Rated glory. Or at least that's what (Y/n) thought. Slumping her shoulders in relief, the teenager's face displayed one of confusion. "Huh?" She breathed out, looking the woman in her bright blue eyes. A look of realization flashed in the hero's eyes before she smiled warmly, shaking her hands to and fro in a disarming way. "Ah, that's right! Don't be alarmed, this is just a projection." Various sighs of relief were heard in the room as the hero proceeded.

Reaching behind herself, the hologram pulled out a sheet of paper, glancing at it then back to (Y/n). "(Y/n) (L/n) right?" She asked rhetorically. The pre-recorded woman wouldn't be able to see her response either way. "Well congratulations!" The medium jumped in surprise as holographic confetti rained down on Midnight, who looked at her with a wide grin. "You've rightfully earned yourself a spot in U.A.'s hero course with fifty-four villain points and six rescue points! Congratulations hun." Midnight winked, shooting finger guns in the girl's direction. "I've got to say, your quirk intrigues me quite a bit. You've got to tell me more when you get here, yeah? I'll look forward to seeing you on your first day! Toodles~!" The dark haired hero beamed once more and saluted before the projection cut off, leaving (Y/n) gaping blankly at air.

The female stood still, unblinking as her parents watched in concern. "...(Y/n)?"

"I...I, got in?" The (h/c) haired girl's words came out as a question. She blinked. Again. And a few more times before looking around the room—seemingly lost. Hovering in-front of her, Nanashi snapped in means to bring her back to reality. The girl's wide (e/c) eyes met his for a moment before she gasped—her gaping mouth turning into a wide grin. "I GOT IN!" (Y/n) hollered, breaking out into a fit of squeals and whoops. She repeated herself a few times, not quite believing it until both her parents engulfed her smaller form into a group hug—joining the teen in her squealing.

That afternoon, the family celebrated their youngest's achievement with a large, home cooked dinner of her favorite dishes. Completely disregarding any other worries. It was (Y/n)'s night.


        "Yeah, so what about you?" (Y/n) giggled out in a hushed whisper.

"I got in too! Just as planned," Daifuku replied from the other side of the phone, his voice equally low. (Y/n) could hear a small chuckle escape him too. "The support department. Class 1-G," He stated, a prideful tone to his words.

"Really? That's great Dai!" (Y/n) could barley keep the smile off her face as the two friends chattered on. It was late into the night—nearly twelve—and the sun had long set. Hours ago, (Y/n)'s parents had tucked her in tight, wishing the girl good dreams with full stomachs, and Nanashi had run off for his spooky hours. But with the excitement still kicking through her veins, there was no way the medium would be able to sleep so easily. So, impulsively, she did the first thing that came to mind: Call her friends. Or at-least the ones she'd taken the exam with.

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