There was a Halloween party happening in the Room of Requirements tonight and his friends had convinced him to go even though it meant more awkward conversations with Astoria.

"I thought we're not doing muggle traditions. What are you supposed to be?", he asked instead, taking in her revealing outfit.

She giggled. "I'm a healer. Or 'nurse' as the muggles call it."

"Ah," Draco made, thinking that she didn't look like a healer at all. "I thought Halloween was supposed to be scary?"

Astoria rolled her eyes, before linking their arms with each other. "You're no fun. Don't you think I look pretty?"

"Astoria, you can wear a potato sack and still look absolutely stunning."

That answer seemed to satisfy her and they started making their way towards the exit of the common room. Draco glanced at her from the side. She was, objectively speaking, the perfect match for a Malfoy. Coming from a well-respected and wealthy pureblood family combined with her intelligence and beauty, she was everything his parents could have wanted for him. Especially now.

You had told him what to do. It was such a simple solution to all of his impending problems. However, it had been the moment where Draco had realized that you grew up differently. Not a day went by where he didn't receive a heartbreaking letter from his mother. He knew, she just wanted the best for him and she didn't want to manipulate him; she was simply desperate. Desperate for the live they used to have – a husband at home, a son with a promising future, money and a respected place in society.

Draco had asked himself countless times what the marriage would truly mean. His family would have another chance. Together with Astorias family, his future was secured. A good job, maybe even in the ministry if he was lucky. Enough money to take care of his mother. Who knew, maybe his father would be out of Azkaban sooner? Draco marrying Astoria would lessen his families suffering, that was for sure. But did he want that? Did he want a simple and easy solution to make their past crimes ... disappear? His family was far from innocent. They had committed horrible crimes in the name of the Dark Lord – and a part of him knew, they deserved everything they got in the end. Hell, he wouldn't have been surprised if they sent his mother and him to Azkaban as well.

When thinking about the engagement, another thought popped into his head. Could he learn to love Astoria? Would he be happy with her? Maybe. Maybe not. Draco knew only one thing for sure – there was a reason why he kept resisting to the whole idea. Giving in felt like sacrificing another part of himself to something his family had burdened him with.

"And Astoria, I disagree," Blaise once again disrupted his train of thought by joining in from the right. "Draco can quickly make his costume appear. Just roll up your sleeves, Dray, and the Gryffindors will shit their pants on the spot."

The rest of the group snickered but Draco didn't react. Instead he suppressed the urge to touch the mark on his left arm and shoved his hand deeper into the pocket of his pants.


The Room of Requirement was absolutely crowded.

The Slytherins were surprised by how many people had actually appeared. Almost everyone from the sixth and seventh grade was here, wearing mostly ridiculous costumes. Music roared from invisible speakers, students were dancing and talking loudly.

"I'm surprised that the teachers didn't already break this up," Blaise almost had to shout. "Or Filch."

Draco shrugged. "I feel like they stopped caring this year."

"Maybe they feel responsible for all those deaths," Theo suggested.

"So to make up for all the trauma, they allow us to party?", Blaise concluded with an amused undertone.

Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now