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*hii it's me the photo above is a poorly done sketch i did of the aesthetic of the reader y/n she's gonna be a booksmart badass also yes i wanted her to be bi but she's sadly only gonna be with guys for this story just mentions of previous girls.

* * also very quickly I'm Canadian so I'm trying my best with American cities and studs so if its not 100% accurate I apologize and will fix it if you comment!! now enjoy my first chapter and let me know what you think at the end ;)


     "hello is this y/n y/l?" a deep masculine voice was the first thing you noticed when picking the phone up. "yes it is. who is this?" "ah yes this is SSA unit chief Aaron Hotchner with the behavioural analysts unit in Quantico" wait the bau is calling me, you thought? "oh! hello how can I help you sir" shock lacing your voice. "I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining our team, I noticed you took the profiler training and your academy scores are phenomenal we'd love to have you here." wait they want you? "you guys want me to join your team as a profiler? how soon would I have to be in Virginia? "yes we would like you to join our team as a profiler, I understand you are already a field agent training in New York, and I've already spoken to your bosses so the transfer would be as soon as possible if you accept." "well of course I accept, i'd love to join the team!"

      as soon as the call ended you punched your fists in the air and fell back on your bed, finally what you'd joined the FBI for, profiling! psychology and the study of people behaviour had always interested you, you'd always loved learning what made people tick. you had gotten into a psychology program at Columbia university in NYC after high school. you'd ended up with a masters degree and a new life plan. you had quickly applied to the FBI academy after reading one of David Rossis novels in the library. after getting in you flew through all the training building up some muscle mass. then got accepted a year later to train in New York for the sex crimes devision and now you were flying out next week with bags packed for Virginia!


    a week and a half later, and many back and forth calls with deep voiced unit chief Aaron and you were standing nervously outside the federal bureau of investigation in Quantico Virginia. you're wearing a black turtleneck tucked into blue jeans with a plaid grey blazer thrown over top, you'd also worn simple black heels to match the black slick belt wrapped tightly around your waist. your brownish blonde hair was just simply brushed and left down. you quickly fastened the id to your blazer pocket and walked in, you hopped into the elevator and up to the next level of your life.

       "the new agent should be arriving soon, so everyone please welcome her with open arms and minds." Arron announced from the top of the stairs to the other agents below. Reid spun in his chair to look up at his boss and give him a curt nod, Aaron went into his office. "do you think its gonna be another girl to replace Elle?" Morgan asked to Reid and Emily. "god I hope so the amount of testosterone in this place is sickening, plus I could use another girl when we go on cases." Emily answered before throwing the paper ball she's made at Reid head. Morgan laughed. just then the doors swung open and heels clacking against the tile floor could be heard from throughout the floor.

       everyone swung around to see you a taller girl walking towards them, you had a nervous smile, but didn't lack any sort of confidence. you swiftly walked towards the centre of the room where three agents sat gawking at you, you begin to grow self conscious. just then a man called out to you, the voice so deep it could only belong to the mysterious unit chief you'd spoken to on the phone. "y/n welcome you can follow me up here for now" you smile before climbing the stairs and following him swiftly into his office.

  "welcome to the BAU y/n, I'm Aaron Hotchner and this is SSA David Rossi, my second in command" Aaron said motioning to the man sitting in a chair at his desk, he waved. you wave back with a smile. you hadn't heard David had rejoined the BAU since his retirement, but I guess here he is. "hello I'm glad to finally meet in person, Aaron, and David its an honour to meet you I love your novels!" you say to the man with a sheepish smile. he laughed and said "always nice to meet a fan" with a wink and a smile, making you blush. "so we'll get you all settled in today, and I'm gonna have Reid one of our agents give you a tour of the building later on so you won't get lost. for now lets go meet the team" Arron said before singling you to follow him and David into the bullpen.

        "everyone this is our newest agent y/n l/n!" Aaron said one the three of you had climbed down the stairs. the two men and one women look up and smile at you. "y/n these are agents Derek Morgan" a muscular handsome man, you notice "Emily Prentiss" a gorgeous girl with black hair and bangs. "and finally our youngest agent, dr Spencer Reid" doctor? wow the kid must be smart, and he's very cute you think to yourself. "hello everyone!" you say to the three before shaking each of their hands, Spencer shakes quickly but nervously compared to the other two's firm handshakes, he clearly doesn't like handshakes.

"Reid can i get you to show her around please" Hotch said to the cute one. Reid looked up shocked and confused but still nodded and stood up. "and the rest of you can get back to work" Aaron said before heading back to his office Rossi not on his trail. "y/n! you can follow me this way we start at the lobby and work out way around." this was gonna be fun you thought while following Reid out the bullpen to the elevators.

"so why'd you transfer here" Reid asks you as you walk down a hallway together "well I was in the sex crimes devision training in New York when I got the call, and Id originally trained to be a profiler so id accepted right away." you respond. "sex crimes? thats funny the agent who just left worked there before the bau as well, Elle Greenaway." what a strange coincidence. "interesting" you respond. Reid continues to walk. " In here is Penelope Garcias office, she's our amazing technical analyst, she can find anything about anyone in a matter of seconds." wonder what she could dig up on me you think, Reid knocks on the door. "Penelope Garcias lair of all things techy enter at your own risk young one." you hear a women's voice say, Reid opens the door and you follow him in.

"Ah boy wonder! who have you brought me" a blonde women wearing bright colours and big glasses exclaims as she spins in her chair to see you. "Hello Garcia this is y/n the newest team member" Reid says with a chuckle. you smile and extend your hand for a handshake, but Garcia pulls you into a hug starling both you and Reid. "ah screw handshakes its nice to meet you y/n" "same to you" you answer as she lets you go. "my door is always open, except when its not but it can always be opened just give a knock' Garcia says to you causing both you and "boy wonder" as she calls him to laugh. "okay we should continue our tour, nice to see you Garcia' Reid says as he pushes you slightly out the door and into the hallway again. "she seems friendly' you say with a smile. Reid smiles back "yeah she's the best"

"well this is the bullpen but you've already seen that, up there is Rossi and hotchs office, and here's your desk right across from Morgan's" Reid says as you make your way back where you started. "thanks Reid"! you say sitting down at you desk and putting your bag on it, Reid sits at his. "hope pretty boy here didn't scare you off with his big words and random facts' Morgan says reaching over to tousle Reids hair. you laugh. "aw man I didn't get any random facts, but id Loe to hear some" you say with a laugh. causing Emily to say "just wait he gives 1000s a day" "actually statically id give 30 a day" Reid says with a frown, everyone laughs. maybe this job won't be so bad you think to yourself.


*ah there chapter one! hope you limed it please let me know what you think in the comments I love hearing your thoughts! a lot of these chapters will be based on some of my poverties Tik toks so go check those out my Tik Tok is prentisscanrailme. also I'm working on a Spotify playlist for this book and I will link it the its done!

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