make-overing a murderer - 11

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You ignored the people talking as you walked inside, feeling exposed. As much as you loved the compliments, you still felt wrong. You felt guilty.

How many of these people are going to die tonight?

Stepping into the large main room, a few people turned to look at you. But you felt a pair of familiar eyes on you. Eyes belonging to the Phantom Troupe's number 2 spider.

Feitan's gaze drifted across the room, waiting for you. But he wasn't expecting what he saw at all.

Dressed much more fancy, seeing you like this was far off from what he'd been seeing. You looked good.

"What is it?" Franklin loomed over Feitan.

"Y/n." Feitan spoke, eyeing you up.

She looks good.

"Wow." Franklin had to admit, you cleaned up well, despite not really being all that dirty. You didn't look like a bounty-hunter at all.

You made your way backstage, every eye from the Phantom Troupe turning to you.

"Well holy shit." Phinks called, making you feel even worse.

"Someone got the message." Shalnark commented, winking at you. You balled your fists and looked at the ground.

"Let's just get this over with." You mumbled. Walking away from the group to where most of the merchandise sat.


It all went by in a flash. The gunshots from Franklin, the screaming from the people being killed, the smell of death and blood that reeked in the room afterward.

The sound of Blinky, Shizuku's vacuum, hummed in your ears. You stood dully on the side, watching every dead body and drop of blood get wiped up like nothing had happened.

These people. I'm so sorry. You had to be slaughtered like animals. This isn't fair.

"We need to get going." Shizuku stated, the group began walking. You didn't budge. Slipping away behind the curtains, you disappeared.

Feitan was the first to notice you weren't with them. He hadn't noticed you'd slipped away.

"Where is...Y/n?" Feitan asked, stopping the group while they escaped the scene.

"She was just with us?"

"You've gotta be kidding me."

"I'll find her." Shizuku took the lead, pulling out her phone to dial Hisoka but Feitan stopped her.

"She will...return. Let's go." Like last time, you'd just be back at the base. Right?


The air was cold. You felt sick to your stomach. You'd killed people before, but not like this. They weren't innocent.

Stepping off of the airship, you were back home in Lyda. You'd left. You didn't care what the consequences were. If you had to run for the rest of your life, so be it. You were done with the Phantom Troupe.

Slinking into the bar, Roky was surprised to see you.

"Hey kid-"

"What is the strongest thing you've got." You sat down, taking the pretty pin out of your hair.

"Rough night?" Roky joked, pouring you a shot of the strongest liquor he had at the bar.

"Rough week." You replied. Roky's eyes widened, leaning against the counter, he reached a hand out to pat your shoulder.

"What's only our mind?" He asked, pouring himself a shot of the same liquor, clinking the glass against your own before downing it.

"I got caught up in some trouble. I feel terrible. I did something terrible." You buried your head into your arms, a few choked sobs breaking in your throat.

"Hey kid, it'll be okay-"

"I watched hundreds of innocent people get slaughtered like animals tonight. I'm not going to be okay. I'm going to have to live my life on the run because I got caught up with the fucking Phantom Troupe. Don't tell me everything is going to be okay." You cried, the makeup smearing down your cheeks as tears poured from your eyes.

Roky's eyes softened as he looked at you.

"Do you need anything? A place to stay, money?" Roky offered. Of course, he was going to offer.

"Number 4 has some sort of nen attached to me. They'll be able to track me down. It's just a waiting game now." You pushed your glass over for another shot.

"Not if I can help it. I'll get that nen off of you. It won't be easy, but it should work." Roky poured you another shot but then it was right to work.

Contacting someone with an enhancer type nen was easy, but the nen had to be specific.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" You questioned, sitting still as the man, Leo, held his nen scissors. Leo nodded with a smile.

"I specialize in this type of work actually. I don't really have a specific side, but these things can be tricky, but if it exists, there's got to be a way to get rid of it, right?" Leo snipped away at the bungee gum still attached to you hip, and after about three minutes, it was all gone.

Using gyo, no more pink stuff sat stuck to your hip and you couldn't see the string of it at all. It was gone.

"Thank you." You hugged the man, while it was unprofessional, you needed to hug someone.

"You're welcome. If you need any more assistance, just call!" Leo hugged you back and eventually pulled away, leaving you and Roky alone.

"Go get some rest kid. You need it. I'll run back by your place and get your things, head to the back and lay down." Roky instructed, motioning for the staff only door behind the bar.

You wanted to go with him, but he insisted you needed rest. You pushed yourself up the stairs and didn't even bother trying to get changed. You plopped onto the small mattress that sat atp old beer crates and fell asleep.


"She's not here?" Phinks called. Feitan was beginning to get worried. Had Chrollo already taken you out? Why would he go through all this trouble just to kill you this early?


"She's cut my bungee gum off somehow. I can't track her anymore." Hisoka didn't seem at all phased by the situation which caused a few members to get pissed.

"So you let her go!?" Phinks shouted, angry at the clown.

"I was busy, did you want me to stop doing troupe business to save your little pet?" Hisoka smirked, knowing just how much every member's effort was needed during this time.

"Boss, do something-"

"Feitan." Chrollo singled out the raventte. All eyes darted to the short man waiting for a response.

"You were closest with her, do you know where she is?" Chrollo asked, peering at the number 2 spider.

"I don't." Feitan replied, annoyed at the singling out.

"She will most likely have gone back home." Shizuku replied, tired of everyone worrying about you.

"So she's gone, big deal, she's not important. We need to get ready for the next auction." Maichi stepped in, taking a seat on some concrete.

"We'll deal with her later then."

Chrollo was furious. And Feitan was worried. This was not good for you.


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