Chapter 2

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Alia's POV-

After I spot the beautiful angel I start to signal my troops to attack. I spread my large scarlet wings and fly up to meet my troops. Our plan of attack was simple, once they got low enough we would start circling them surrounding them in a ring of hellfire. I start directing my troops while flying higher and higher. While their surrounding partial of the massive cavalry of the angels I spot an angel behind me and we engage in combat. I pull out my metallic bow and arrows and start to load it. I shoot my arrow and the angel tumbels from the sky with an arrow in his shoulder. I keep flying until I spot the pretty angel. We lock eyes when I feel the blade of a sword slice my back. I start descending which leads to falling as I blacked out. The last thing I see before I fall into the dark abyss of my mind is the face of the perfect angel.

Caz POV-

In the heat of battle I can't trust anybody but my sword, bestowed on to me from generation to generation. I pull out my sword and start slaying the spawns of hell left and right. I fly through the city hoping to see the demon girl with the gorgeous gold eyes. Eventually I see her shoot one of my soldiers with her bow and arrow and he falls to the ground. All of the sudden I see one of my soldiers slice into her back with her sword. My soldier takes off to keep fighting and I swoop down to save the beautiful demon. I stare into her eyes as she slowly passes out. I fly into the Wayland Willow forest as blood slowly drips from her back. I fly so fast and far away until I see a glowing tree. I start to hear whispering from the tree which turns into the tree talking

"You there, young lady I can help your friend she is running out of time I see"

"Please help her she's dying one of my soldier sliced into her back with a sword"

"I can heal her but it will come at a cost,"

"I don't care what the price is help her"

"As you wish,"

The tree stretches its long limbs and wraps them around the demon girl and then the branches start to glow a luminescent blue. The wound in her back started to magically close. Then she starts to wake up.

"Are you alright you almost took a massive tumble out of the sky"

"I'm fine what's it to you?"

"I think you mean: hi angel thank you for saving my life I am so grateful and will never forget it"

" Thanks sweetheart"

"Enough! Now it is time to discuss the price you must pay."

"What price?"

"When you  were almost dead, I agreed to pay a price. It  was either to agree to a price I didn't know or your life and I didn't want you to die."

"Fine what's the price tree lady?"

"A Long time ago, when your ancestors were Princes and princesses they came to me and in my bark they carved their initials and promised that when they grew up they would never wage war on each other and that they would keep the peace.  When they got older that is when the Demon King decided he wanted all the power and the land. The way she wants his best friends, the queens of the .  I need you girls to go to the other two kingdoms and try to restore the Peace of the lands."

"Lady you're crazy if you think we're going to do that a my dad did not attack first in all the writings of our kingdom it always says that the Angels attacked first,  we just needed to defend ourselves"

"How do we restore the peace with all of the kingdoms ma'am"

"Within the 4 kingdoms lie 4 stones, the stone of rito for Heathens, the stone of athagrea for Castria, the stone of opal for the Emerald Kingdom, and the stone of marissa for Noelani . You need collect these stones and get royalty from the other 2 races so you can unite the stones then bring them back here where we can restore the peace between the kingdoms"

"Ugh fine, where do we need to go first"

"You need to go to the Emerald Kingdom and find the the celestial shop hidden within the woods and tell them the great willow sent you to restore the peace"

"Ok off we go then"

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